This video clip from an hour ago is wonderful. I will let him speak for himself.🇺🇸❤️
#Winning #SavingLives #MAGA
Trump always knew we'd have to #DefyHistory & in fact, we did, in the Senate.
Rome wasn't built in a day, folks! Hold the line.
BTW, these texts still exist. No problem.
He's also educating the public, day by day. Watch.
(As always.) When you read about this case, reminder that a military tribunal can order the death penalty.
Trump is steadily clearing the innocent & going after the guilty. Takes time.
They so struggle with moral consistency.
Anything to avoid the policy issues at hand.
We don't need to reach them all. Just enough of them to consider voting GOP in the next couple of elections. Trump knows that "you catch more bees with honey than vinegar." He uses every avail. teaching tool.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
But but he's really uneducated, right? /sarcasm
That's what I call interference. But the media? Crickets.
I'm sure he knows to look back to the legislation from 1965, & every WH & Congress since then.
And don't @ me about Reagan. Sheesh. Get a clue.
Simply stunning. #USA🇺🇸🌲
These changes are saving lives by preventing school shootings. Huge achievement.
The worse the border crisis gets, the more he can use the military & other budgets to #FinishTheWall.

With national & (some) local resistance, it makes sense for (eg) USACE to do the work. They are infrastructure experts.
Eminent domain resistors may warrant the use of emergency powers. We'll see.
I'm just going to pause and enjoy this moment. It reminds me of when Iraq and partners liberated Mosul.
Much to celebrate.
My admiration for President Trump's intellect, character and courage is renewed. Friends, I recommend taking a short break away from Twitter every now and then. It does you a world of good. Perspective.