Man undergoes body modification regime at age 42, proclaims himself a woman, breaks up his marriage, loses his friends..
2 years later, he joins a women's tackle football team.
He has a martial arts black belt, & is a marathon runner.
The WOMEN, who think their football club isn't the best place for that, are cast as the EVIL VILLAINS.
Fuck this ABUSE
And this is just the beginning.
"IWFL had changed its eligibility policy in 2012, requiring players to certify that they are & always have been legally & medically female."
Which doesn't seem to have helped though, because the suit was on grounds of violation of the Human Rights Act
No women players were interviewed, the point is to highlight the travails of this poor man who just wanted to tackle some women and the meanies wouldn't let him.
“Everyone was cold toward me.”
Oh no, cold women, how awful.
They were so hard won.
Here's Kathleen Switzer, the first women to run the Boston marathon in 1967, when women were not allowed to.
There's Jock Semple, the organizer, violently attacking her to push her out.…
"Thus it was really Jock who gave me the inspiration to create more running opportunities for women. Almost every day of my life I thank him for attacking me, because he gave me this spark."
So, onwards.
The link in the first tweet, not missing, was tweeted by @E8Emma, kicked off twitter for excessive feminism, as so many other women.…