
The goal was to keep Hillary from being President by electing a Republican, any Republican.
Bernie's job was to divide the left to elect a Republican. Any Republican.
Trump's incompetence - with both policy and process - has given Democrats had a fighting chance.
Trump is now the face of the conservative movement. Their policies are his policies, and his are theirs.
Trump's vulgarity and cruelty will forever be associated with GOP austerity politics.
Gone are the days when GOP could dog whistle past legitimate charges of racism.
Trump has exposed them.
They can't pretend their immigration policy is about anything besides straight up hate.
GOP will now and forever be the party of letting kids die of the common cold, away from their loved ones, on Christmas.
Turns out I put far too much faith in the voters (and the system, but that's a different thread.)
It took Trump to show the world what Republicans, especially Evangelicals, are really about.
But I don't want it to function the way it would under Pence or Huckabee.
But would it be better? Would the world be a better place?
Has Trump caused more suffering, or has he merely exposed - and hastened - the damage GOP had always intended to do?
2016 revealed two things:
1) Racists never GAF about small government
2) Conservative economic policy is intrinsically racist
"Where do you go when the only people who seem to agree with you on taxes hate black people?”
as if the two things are unrelated. They are not.
Your embrace of Trump is nothing more than a naked and depraved power grab. You see him as a vehicle for imposing your authoritarian ethos of hate on the rest of us.
You disgust me.
Only them and those like them. They will be Raptured while the rest of us are "left behind" to burn.
There is nothing less Christian than selfish nihilism. Nothing.
Trump won.
Elections have consequences.
With Nancy back in charge, things might not get worse, and we can change direction for the future, but there is a lot of toothpaste that is never going back in the tube.
They will express regret, but they don't mean it. They got what they wanted.
Courts used to be the only thing keeping GOP's toxic agenda in check.
We don't have that anymore.
They got their environmental rollbacks.
They killed ACA.
With Kavanaugh, they have all but overturned Roe v Wade and they're coming for Griswold. (Look it up.)
They got their way on countless policy items, great and small.
Let's hope it has bankrupted them.