Mere marketing mortals don't even know they are making it very difficult to read their words
By doing this, readers don't finish your thread or email
They don't make it to your CTA
Here's your quick fix thread...
Most know this by now, but I still see it happening
Don't write paragraphs with more than one idea in it
Sounds simple, but a lot of you screw this up
This is especially true for emails
Bonus tip: one sentence on a computer turns into a paragraph on mobile
Next tip...
You've seen me do this VERY often, but you didn't notice it
I say things like...
"Do you understand? Good.."
"See what I mean? Keep reading..."
"Got it? Good, I knew you would..."
"And here's the thing..."
Here's why they work...
"Yes, I understand"
Keep reading.. "OK"
You tell them what to do and they do it
Tip 3..
Once I discovered bullet writing I never looked back, they are so incredibly powerful it isn't an option to learn how to write them or not
This is a non-negotiable for copywriters
You MUST learn how to write bullets
In fact...
David Ogilvy used to write ads that were a headline (his best bullet) and the copy was entirely bullets
Then he'd close
That's it!
I love indenting a larger sentence to make it a focal point for the reader
Often, readers are skimming
Using bold, underline, and indention will allow you to focus their skimming where you choose
Recently, I went overboard on the underlining in an email
A few of my long time readers emailed me and basically said WTF was that
So, take it easy on these, don't go crazy with it
1. No paragraphs
2. Start using reader prompts
3. Learn bullets
4. Underline, bold, indent
Try these out wherever you write: threads, emails, ads, anywhere
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