"Facebook sucks! Twitter fo eva dawg!"
-Not me
Facebook is awesome for research and finding ideas
This thread will show you how I personally have profited from Facebook (no ads or money spent at all)
Groups are an "insider's circle" of information
For example, I write for a marketing agency that represents fitness professionals
These fit pros sell a specific funnel which involves an upsell to a private Facebook group
And this is pure gold
*Pain points
*Lingo (how they speak)
*What they don't understand
*What they are good at
*What they need help with
And then I turn that into profits...
I can turn every single comment and post into valuable emails that upsell the current members
They are literally TELLING ME what they want
Then I provide the answer via email
This is marketing 101, kiddos
Don't be a mere marketing mortal...
What about the men?
Even easier, most every guy wants to solve the problems of looking and feeling masculine
That's why they are working out in the first place
It's old school caveman psychology
Keep reading...
*They are comparing to one another
*Measuring weights and looks
*Asking more specific questions because they are more experienced with fitness
So, I angle my emails differently
Here's how...
Males have most likely been in the gym before (unlike a lot of females I write to)
So, "fear of the gym" is something I don't write about
The males want more lifting knowledge...
I tell them WHAT to do to achieve the aesthetic, lean look they want
But I don't give them HOW
They have to upgrade their purchase to receive the program they need with the HOW TO information
See how that works?
1. Choose your niche and get in their minds
2a. Either pitch people selling to this niche or...
2b. Create a list of your own
3. Find a product
And then...
It's that simple, you just have to do the hard work at the beginning, which is growing a list or finding one
They've given you the golden ticket already, they tell you every day how to sell to them in the group