So the #BrexitBorderlands project set out to chronicle the Troubles in a new way - interactive data visualisaiton.
Thread on data here:
The tool is weepeople.css by @ProPublica and the data is from Post-Mortem, a database of deaths by Michael McKeown, hosted by @UlsterCAIN.
Read 'The Irish Times - Keeping The Peace' here:…
Click on a figure to find out the individual's name and how, where and when they died.…
No part of Northern Ireland was left untouched.
D3 map developed from previous code with @cboutaud, data from @START_UMD.
Read the full story here:…
Every fatal terror attack across Europe since 1970 - the size of each red circle represents the scale of loss.
Hover on a circle (desktop) to see the details of each attack.
Made with D3 & data from @START_UMD
There are 120 external land border crossings along the most eastern border of Europe.
In Northern Ireland there are currently 208.
Compare both here:…
How does #Brexit impact this?
While majority of NI voted Remain, a breakdown of voter demographics shows Brexit is a worrying new division.…
Stats aside, I'll share standout local stories from the border in a dif thread tomorrow.
And if you like data stories like this, sign up to my newsletter - a monthly roundup of the best out there:
It helps make sure they can invest in more innovative storytelling, expand their reach to border areas and make sure the full story of Brexit's impact on the Border is told!…