Today's mass firing of journalists prompted cheers from some MSM decriers. That's wrong on many counts.
Cheering people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own?
That's wrong.
That's ugly.
We the people.
Or biased.
Or careless.
Or crude.
But sometimes, it's really right.
Sometimes, it exposes dangers and truths.
Sometimes, it holds corruption in check.
That's the nature of a free press.
It isn't.
Power-holders have been waving their fists at press outlets since the dawn of the American republic.
As President, Thomas Jefferson did a lot of grumbling about the Federalist press.
The press, an engine of accountability, keeps tabs on elected officials, exposes their wrongs.
As T.Jeff said to G.Wash, representatives far-removed from the eyes of their constituents would be capable of great corruption.
Many power-holders seem to feel absolutely no accountability for their actions.
The only hope of enforcing accountability is a free press that can observe and investigate and report to the nation.
We need to question what we see in the press, consider what we're told.
But cheering at the failure of newspapers who report things you don't like--that's amazingly short-sighted and dangerous.
Threaten or silence the press when you don't like what it reports, & you're closing the door on accountability
It deprives you and me -- the people -- of power.
I've had accountability, accountability, accountability on the brain in recent weeks.
My words here aren't expressing something shockingly new.
But it feels as though they're expressing something that needs to be said.