[a thread]

(Taken from apagunion.com/2018/05/01/apa…)

The email response referenced two sources as their "limitations".
Here's some snippage of the main paragraphs, with special emphasis highlighted by me.
Source: cdc.gov/hiv/risk/art/i…

Nothing invalidating #UndetectableEqualsUntransmittable or ART therapy for reducing HIV loads yet.
The second link is to a PDF document from CDC issued in December of last year reviewing the results of clinical trials involving ART/PrEP treatments of HIV+ people in reducing viral loads.
Remember, this is without adding in condoms or PrEP.
Some failure rate, right?
The PASS protocols use RNA testing (via Aptima) as their primary means of *initial* detection of the HIV virus. If someone is found to be "reactive", then antibody testing through ELISA is then done for verification.
ART and PrEP offer them the best option offered them to safely continue.
Which, BTW, is also the stated position of AHF in their condom mandate.
See a trend here, folks?
The actual evidence proves otherwise. 4-7 DAYS for Aptima compared to 6-8 WEEKS for ELISA.
The problem is, though, that everyone else will be driven underground into much unsafer venues.
However, it is still a PROPOSAL.
You test HIV+, you get pulled from the database and you don't shoot porn. END. OF. STORY.
And that doesn't include the two false negatives, either.
Concern about getting infected with HIV/AIDS is legitimate. Wanting the best form of protection is more than legitimate.
Using such fears to sell quackery and homophobia and attack a good system? Not so much.