Minister Sander Dekker will respond to issues raised by senators during the first term.
Dekker stresses need for urgent reform: enforcement alone is not a realistic option.
Less successful in Norway: state-owned monopolist + narrower offering -> low player channeling rate of ca. 30%.
Dekker: Players must be made aware of legal alternatives to illegal offering.
Didn't we go over this already?
GroenLinks' votes may actually be gettable, but won't make a difference either way.
Dekker: Most of this is possible through secondary legislation, but relative attractiveness of illegal offering will increase if regulation becomes too strict.
But so far no new arguments. Doubtful that this convinces anyone.
Not exactly a spirited defense, to say the least.
Maybe he feels which way the wind blows?
But Senate appears very much opposed to privatizing Holland Casino at any time.
Yet another indication that PvdA will support the Remote Gaming Bill.
Minister prepared to send letter by Friday.
Debate hopefully to continue on Tuesday, February 12. But ucertain.
Vote on February 12 now in doubt.
That's it for today.
1. What is the exact definition of an "illegal operator;" and on what exact legal basis can operators who have already been active in the Dutch market be excluded from said market in the future?
1. Senate insists on blackout period for unlicensed operators currently active in the Dutch market.
2. Senate wants to further restrict advertising online and on social media.
3. Senate wants to revive IP/DNS blocking of websites of unlicensed operators.
This certainly threw an unexpected wrench in the proceedings.
But right now, who can tell?
Hopefully, we'll have some positive news in a few days or so.