Hearing on Social Media Influence in the 2016 U.S. Elections

Tweets will be paraphrased to capture essence of meaning of remarks UNLESS quotation marks are used to denote actual words.
"Russian operatives are attempting to infiltrate and manipulate American social media to...set us against ourselves"
BOTH GOP @SenatorBurr and Democratic Sen. @MarkWarner sound ANGRY at the social platform representatives, as well as Russia.
Says platforms changed world for the better but Russian actions have revealed "the dark underbelly of what you have created."
"Each of you here today needs to put MORE resources to identifying bad actors and" ...preventing them from using your platforms...
One study indicated "bots generated ONE out of every FIVE political messages" on Twitter during the 2016 campaign.
Testimony seems substantially equivalent.
Not a good look.
Testimony seems substantially equivalent.
Not gonna fly.
Russian active measures started in 2014.
New testimony.
FB groups "Heart of Texas" and "pro-Muslim" group set up TWO different protests AT THE SAME TIME/PLACE in Houston to create conflict.
Does FEC law apply to your platform?
Facebook, Twitter, and Google: Yes.
Burr notes every academic estimate is FAR higher (15%), asks for written response.
Facebook counsel says he'll have to get back to him.
Yeah. That's one way to put it 🙄
They agree.
"You don't get it ... What we're talking about is the beginning of cyber warfare."
I attended the hearing yesterday and came away gravely disappointed with answers.
"This just will not do."
Do you have any info re voter registration data being used to target specific voters?
Facebook & Twitter say they are "not aware of"
"With the current fascist leadership of Russia" attempting to undermine democracy, we need to use all tools to combat
With respect to the 2016 election, "it's clear you [the platforms] failed."
Facebook, Twitter, and Google: No.
Discusses ESPIONAGE.
We have specific CASES in which this has happened. I want written answers within a week about the confidence dynamic just described.
Facebook: No
Twitter: No
Google: No
The president says Russian active measures were a "hoax." Yes or no, were they?
Facebook: No.
"I'm disappointed you're here and not your CEOs."
cc: @Facebook @Twitter @Google
This [Russia using social media to try to destroy democracies] is not just happening here but throughout the West.
"When were you aware of Russian activities on election issues - before or after the election?
Twitter: 2015
Google: Only after Jan ICA looking at this particular issue.
"You cannot allow what is going on against our nation. You are on the front lines with us."
"I wish your CEOs were here. This cannot be a business model issue ... it has to be a national security decision."
"Our nation's enemies use your platforms ... with the intent and affect of disrupting our democracy."
Facebook: IDK
Twitter: IDK
Google: IDK
It would seem to us to be important info so we can see "HOW MUCH YOU PROFITED OFF RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA. Please follow up on that."
Who is responsible for state-sponsored info ops?
Google: I will be.
Facebook: I will be.
Twitter: I guess me and head of product.
NONE of these companies have an EXECUTIVE LEVEL position in charge solely for dealing with *state-sponsored* info ops.
"If for some reason, you need anti-trust waivers to collaborate to address this, please let us know."
"Don't let nation states disrupt our future. You're on the frontlines of defense for it. Please take that back to your companies."
Live-tweeting Senate Intelligence Committee hearing:
Russia's social media influence on 2016 election