Me : No. Regulation should be used to prevent market failure and not protect the incompetent.
X : Are you saying Amazon is incompetent?
Me : No. Their competitors are.
Me : Gosh. First a couple of things to know. Cloud was highly anticipatable before Amazon launched EC2 in 2006, many of us were building in this space beforehand. Yes, companies have inertia but this was a known change.
X : And?
X : So?
X : What has this got to do with regulation?
X : Why?
X : The competitors win?
Me : No, in fifteen years Amazon will have taken over the whole space again.
Me : No, there are some new and powerful competitors from Alibaba to Netflix. It's just those old giants of hardware / software aren't on the list.
X : You think the execs are stupid?
Me : No. Incompetent. Not fit for purpose.
Me : If you're banking on that to save you then you're into "prayers to some deity" type desperation. Amazon will own it, along with Alibaba etc.
X : But the cloud will decentralise.
Me : Already happening and Amazon will own that to.
Me : Hell no. They should adapt. It's perfectly possible to survive on and compete with Amazon. Ask Netflix.
Me : Loosing an entire market when you have all the advantage is a pretty good example of "not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully"
Me : It's the exception that proves the rule. They are doing a fine job of evolving in difficult circumstances.