
3 years ago the ugly black backless metal benches were put out in front of city hall. the plan was to put them in more places, but the BAR didn’t approve in 2016.
there was some public question about what happened to the vinegar hill plaque. it was removed due to some construction but it will be put back (when?)
that’s it from murphy. kathy has questions about the benches. (me too)
it sounds messy there.
i once ate lunch sitting down on the ground downtown, joan. put the benches back.
“it’s become a very negative environment” re: talk about raising taxes.
he also asks the city to review the remarks made by police union attorney denise lunsford about CRB member ms katrina.
it is a little frightening for the police’s lawyer to be trying to intimidate members of the police civilian review board.
he also volunteers at an org that fixes computers & gives them away.
“why is there such a runaround for local stuff that we need but an outsider can come in and boom, it’s done!” the speaker asks again. “3 hotels have been built” since they asked for redevelopment.
mike murphy says there is $15mil in the budget proposed for the housing authority. $3mil a year for 5 years.
murphy says this funding is believed to be sufficient for redevelopment of crescent halls. it will be rehabbed one tower at a time (there are 3 buildings)
the resident is SKEPTICAL.
april 8 - council approves the budget
july 1 - all monies approved by council become available
the speaker says she is still dealing with the concussion she suffered in november. she urges council to take another look at the issues in that stretch of road.
“we can’t do anything if people aren’t going to obey the laws”
he wants to convey that the city is trying & does care
kathy also says traffic signal updates are on the CIP list of unfunded projects.
aw c’mon, we had a nice time!


(ah yes, the owner says he does already have all the necessary permits from the county).
“we need a lot more apartments in town,” he says.
i hate it when men talk.
the owner is explaining now & sounds a bit defensive...
she’s just stuck on it matching the comprehensive plan. she says this project strikes her as almost “a suburban motel.”
sorry some of us don’t live in single family homes, kathy.
heather is playing mediator between wes & kathy. she concedes she shares some of kathy’s concerns about it looking out of place

he says it has “public spirit” “with a lot of rough edges”
nikuyah asks how much time they might need to do that community engagement. the owner says the council meeting 4 weeks out would be sufficient.
“i never asked the county for residential,” he says. now we’re talking flood plains again. he says the property is 10ft above the “hundred year flood” line
kathy: “it sounds like we have no choice”
wes: “i would like that.”

“mr woodruff’s firm was a client of my former law firm” - he hasn’t worked there in 2.5 years
but it’s the first of two readings. it’ll go on next meeting’s consent agenda. now on to the $100,000 allocation to the business equity fund.
background starts on p127
a rep from CIC says the goal is for it to be seamless. it sounds like this is just a funding stream.
for CIC micro loans the interest rates are 6.75% - 9.75%, the rate is lower if you graduate from a program they offer. current repayment rate is 97%
nikuyah: it may be lower than at a bank (if they could get a loan at all), it would be helpful for it to be lower.
unclear who would make that call or when or how transparent that process would be though.
signer proposes taking some of the $100,000 and allocating it toward lowering the interest rates.
(i’m not sure kathy heard me say “you just hate poor people)
we have one more agenda item (the last thing is actually just a written report) plus item C pulled from the consent agenda, then closing public comment.

is it snowing already? ❄️

that’s a paraphrase but it really captures the energy.


meeting adjourned.