I Googled "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Russia," and the results were disturbing.

The article confirming the rumor that Putin favors @AOC is an 👀opinion piece: foxbusiness.com/politics/alexa…


Some of the #CNP's organizations and members are tied to Russia.

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a Socialist Republican? - Washington Times
Washington Times › news › jan › alexan..." washingtontimes.com/news/2019/jan/…


#GreenNewDeal vox.com/energy-and-env…

But wait! There's more...
RT.com is Russian state media pointed at Americans.

It seemed like a well-sourced op piece just criticizing a comedienne to me. You?


Notice what color she's wearing in the photo? A red! Commie!
💭Did you notice the writer sneaked in a reference to the Green Party, which has 📢nothing to do with AOC or the #GreenNewDeal?
For example, DON'T think of elephants.
You must not think of elephants.
You can't think of elephants.
Our subconscious minds don't "hear" the negatives, so we read those as,
Think of elephants
Think of elephants
Think of elephants
Sneaky stuff, huh? Welcome to psychological warfare.
Now. Are YOU one of those who thinks Russia is behind, supporting, in favor of, etc... @AOC? Where did you learn that? Was it a legitimate news source?

Oh, Wikipedia, Sourcewatch, and RationalWiki are good aggregates, but are subject to deception as they're crowdsourced, so be wary.
If you find a source that checks out, please return and share.