Hit some bad times, did some courses, read a lot and a lot about me was revealed to me.
1. Your background determines a lot about how you see and deal with money. Difficult to be a saver when your parents or guardians are spenders. You have been indirectly wired to spend money .
But that’s not an excuse to remain in that state...
A Choleric wants to hit their financial target all the time against all odds.
A Melancholy is usually frugal, stocks to a budget and can be a perfectionist.
Phlegmatics are natural savers and can be hoarders.
Have fun, as much as you can accommodate within your budget.
Formal education isn't the same as financial Literacy; don't get it twisted. You have to allow yourself to be taught on money matters
Read books
Attend seminars
Subscribe to blogs
Follow the experts .
Don’t take it with levity.
Financial Freedom is real and achievable.
Seek to achieve FI:RE
Financial Freedom, Retire Early.
I am working at it, but some have achieved it .
Ask @tayooye