Well, what did you expect?
They would all just give up and walk into the the gallows?
This is WAR
The deep state is growing more desperate- BUCKLE UP
I have been warning you all for the last month
Are YOU ready?
Can YOU stand strong?
News of Matthew Whitaker leaving the DOJ broke this morning causing a backlash by some of the Anons.
"Can someone explain this Whitaker shit? Q said he was taking on a new role in the DOJ, now quits suddenly?"
#QAnon Responds: You have a short memory, Anon. - Still a shock

-But you have to know that something out of the plan has happened. We were told Whitaker would be staying an that [RR] was leaving. Guess which on is still there. Just sayin. this was not part of the plan. Game Theory.
Duration stated?- No but it certainly felt implied.
Why are key positions always interchanging?- Game theory. The board changes
Logical thinking by oneself clarifies easy-to-answer questions.- Moves/counters
An Anon, probably a female states: 'But Q, we really liked him.'
#QAnon responds: Departure from the DOJ doesn't mean he's not on the team and still in the game (or, by our analogy, an actor in the movie).- Q is letting us know that Whitaker is still involved- Role unknown

Anon drop some levity:
temporary role. cause destruction then move on.
hard to hit a moving target, anon
#QAnon reminds us:
'Scaramucci model'.
'TEMP' hire by design.
Shadow to Sessions by design.- CoS
Public will become aware > doc dump.- DECLAS INCOMING- Soon

Anon: "sometimes I think it is hard for yall to empathize with us. yall on operating from a position of knowledge. We are in the dark. We are desperate for truth and justice.
#QAnon fires back: Define 'backchannel'.- Secret, unofficial, or irregular means of communication.

Be calm and #QAnon on.

>>5505069 (/pb)- Anon comments- 'War-Like Posture'
#QAnon retorts:
Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to open the front door?- Throwing the 1st punch vs. Self-defense.
'War-like' Posture Activated?- Certainly seems so.
Thank you for playing.

FISC judge WH meeting?- Here ya go.
Looks like we have a couple of the FISA Judges visit the WH in 2015-2016.
List of FISC judges attached as well as the potential WH visits. I say potential, because some do not contain the middle initial & might not be relevant

No good decode- Operational stringers
I feel like MGL is MOGUL- @realDonaldTrump's USSS code name
SJAH_X-830198374 [-48] is the key. For some crazy reason, I think that it has to do with Julian Assange and the doc # X-830198374 is still CLAS. Future proof.

Did the fire in China cause GOOG to continue work from CA?- Cover post HJC testimony.
See D-2587-
What if GOOG already gave access to China?
Those awake can see clearly.- JA KNOWS GooG.

[LL] back in the news? Coincidence?
Amnesia Re: Carter Page FISA?
Wonder if she knew anything about the other THREE (3) FISA warrants? SOON.