Starting off with a bang today. We were sent a signal last night. Did you catch it?
D-2980…📁- This is the important line: “If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president ....

Moves & Countermoves.- It is of great advantage, when you have the intel to know your enemy's plan & where they will countermove.
While we are planning our tactical nuke, they are employing the death blossom.

Anon points out that dirty Diane said this decades ago- hypocrisy.
#QAnon responds:
Why is POTUS pushing for TERM LIMITS?- Keeps the corruption from permeating within the institution.
TIME = CORRUPTION.- Exactly. Time>Power>Corruption


Regina Dugan- Building 8. I am still searching for the other 2 that are public.
I am full on sick and going to bed.
I will finish this thread tomorrow if I survive.
Possible (3 of 3) Gillman Louie.
They were both neck deep in C_A, DARPA, In-Q-Tel, & the tech boom.
Another interesting character to dig on is Admiral Poindexter- DARPA/Proj. Genoa…
These DARPA Darlings Just Raised $20M To Build A Super-Powered Google For The Internet Of Things…
Remember when Q opened up D-2984 by saying: "FB RETURNING TO THE NEWS."?
Do you think that those two things are related? Absolutely. Q wanted FB in the news and was able to create the response by bringing FB back to the board.
Buyers view (CHINA)- If you buy 100 acres the price per acre is lower, but you may only need 10 acres for your needs. You would have a lot of land that you paid for that is useless to you.
Tim Junio, Founder of Qadium, C_A analyst & DARPA consultant, found a way to find backdoors into most every device on the planet. #QAnon

Keep in mind when you read about what they do, you will see many cliche phrases about protecting your data blah blah blah, but this company would not exist if they were not selling that information to somebody. Just sayin
#QAnon grabs a tweet abt Sean Hannity saying "My sources are telling me all will be well and that justice is finally coming."
Q then posts a photo that drove 8-Chan into a frenzy. I think they finally settled on it being Nunes.
"We hear his source(s) are 'very' credible."

#QAnon drops us the YT trailer from the movie "White Squall" again. But then there is this statement: "Never, in our history, has a communications project such as this taken place." I can't find it, but a verified acct the other day posted a very similar statement on twit.

#QAnon links a twit that identifies the easy DARPA>FB conn. When you look at the 'mission' of LifeLog v FB- they serve the same gods. Even though only [3 of 9] DARPA>FB senior employees are public, I think you can be safe in assuming that all LifeLog employees migrated.

At the end of D-2984, #QAnon said "[Part 1 of 9]"
In D-2991 Q confirms that we now have [Part 2 of 9]. All of this is a LOT to process, so if you are new to the movement or even if it is just this information that is new to you- just google any part of it and start reading

I would not advise you going forward until you have read that thread. GOOG is NOT who you think they are. They are EXTREMELY powerful. They have started wars and diffused conflicts globally. #QAnon…
Did you get all of that? Funding & oversight from the Pentagon?
Re-review past drops.
Major steps underway to challenge these control pockets.- I certainly hope that we are about to take control of these spy machines and convert them to the intended purpose.
"IQT was established in 1999 to ensure that our country’s intelligence agencies had access to innovative technologies from the startup community to help protect and preserve our nation’s security." Sounds Patriotic doesn't it. #QAnon
-C_A was under the control of the global cabal.
-Global cabal used the C_A BIG DATA projects to fund operations.
-Selling that BIG DATA to our enemies- CHINA/Russia
I can sum up this drop with a simple video that I have shared with you a number of times:
#QAnon #QMePlease #QThisThread
Not beggin, just sayin- it is about time.

Anon links the article from Sputnik that I shared with you earlier.
Mark Zuckerberg outlines new plan to build 'privacy-focused' Facebook
#QAnon responds:
Trying to get ahead of something?
What a coincidence.

Anons are making fun of Cuckerberg for panicking and putting out the narrative piece in D-2995.
#QAnon reminds us of their constant drive to dictate the narrative that they want everyone to believe. 'We are working to protect your data...blah blah blah.'

#QAnon finishes by dropping a link to a chive article from 2012. I have researched this a bit and can tell you that there is some really evil stuff there. There has been a LARGE public outcry about it and most of the 'paintings' have been removed.…
This is noteworthy,however Bill Smith did a video on this months ago and I dug further on his research in Vault 7 at that time before my Twit days. Of course the C_A was using the FB embed and the Good guys weaponized 'their' tools in boomerang fashion.

Looks like Da Nang Dick is a little concerned about dossiers. Interesting that it takes DS #Demos being the target for his concern to rise to the surface.

Twit marking another line off of the checklist from D-2681- Barr meeting w/Huber/IG.
#QAnon responds:
Keep the calendar up-to-date, Patriot.
Check off and log.
Future proves past.

#QAnon reminds us of the importance of holding the Senate & Supreme Court by re-posting D-2444. The link supplied contains the letter from today (3/7/19) to AG Barr written by @LindseyGrahamSC. Requests were made for documents with a 3/21/19 deadline.

Photo of an Israeli holding a sign that says MIGA.
We stand TOGETHER in this FIGHT.
This may be an attempt by #QAnon to squelch some of the Jew hating that has been consuming the bread on 8-Chan the last few days. It has been crazy in there.

#QAnon drops us a Bing FB search and the news is on spin cycle for the clowns of FB- Desperate narrative control attempt. [Parts 3-9 coming soon]. We are giving the spiders a chance to spin so that their ammo is exhausted. The Mueller report will speak on BIG TECH-SOON.