A Labour Council will start building Council housing again. 🏘️
The failures of the Lib Dems and Tories have resulted in a housing crisis. The provision of genuinely affordable housing is our number one priority.

♦️Business Rates on Student Blocks
We will support the introduction of Business Rates on Student Blocks

A Labour Council will campaign for landlords to pay Business Rates.
The explosion in student numbers means that many residents feel that their communities are unbalanced and they are losing a sense of neighbourhood.
Successive Lib Dem and Tory administrations have failed to address air quality in #Bath. The result is that we now live in one of the most polluted cities in the country causing premature deaths and health problems for the elderly and children.

The cuts to policing introduced by the Lib Dem / Tory Coalition Government resulted in the closure of #Bath Police Station and a surge in crime, particularly robbery which is growing at one of the fastest rates in the country.

Libraries have been under attack in #Bath & NE Somerset, and in the country as a whole.
We promise no cuts to the library service in the future.

A Labour Council will pay its staff a real #LivingWage and end #ZeroHour contracts and insist that those it has contracts with do the same.