Read this ESPECIALLY if you SELL using social media.
Here we go.
Everyday I see people post things here for sale - beauty products, perfumes, watches, services, etc.
And 99.9% of the posts all look the same - boring, bland, uninspiring (1)
1. The attention span here is very very short. Once something looks like more of the same, it's easy to ignore it, or not even notice it at all.
When your posts to sell your product/service looks and reads like... (2)
So what do you do to get noticed?
Here's what to do.
Do you really want to know?
Yes I am serious.
Use ANGLES to sell each time you post your wares on social media.
Angle will make you stand out and get noticed.
"But what is an 'angle' Ronald?" I hear you saying.
I thought you'd never ask!
Here's what I mean by an ANGLE.
It can:
- show a benefit
- creates some "newness" around it
- breeds nostalgia.
- piques curiosity.
If it's all 4, even 3, BINGO!
So @Enioladanieel just DM'd me asking that I help her RT her post about her watches.
The image of the post is below.
It says, "Cop your affordable quality Casio wristwatches...". Frankly, it's like 99.9% of posts you see everyday, right?

Do you agree?
Anyway you don't have to, I know it does 😛.
So the ANGLE there is: its an Old School Watch, 80s style, Retro look.
That is the hook.
And I admit, it could have been written better, plus I was in a hurry, and if I was selling this, I'd do an even more elaborate description and send everyone to a webpage to read it and then buy the watch, but this will still work.
So there it is.
Find an angle for your product/service or manufacture one that fits.
Hope this helps.
And please buy the watches from @Enioladanieel's page 👇🏾
P.P.S. My ECOMMERCE COOKBOOK online course will launch next week.
Announcement coming soon.
Thanks for reading.