Current Theme:
- Who is the average person in poverty?
- Statistically today across the US it is a female headed house hold, white, high school graduate, in the suburbs.
- This is a change from rural areas.
- Stereotypes persist
- Youth are sharing their lived experience on social media to navigate safe and unsafe spaces in their communities and to seek support and process trauma.
- Nuanced communications.
- Need community experts to provide context.
- Annotators must undergo training #PHRI
- Think on the Macro Level
- Be Solutions Focused/Miracle Question
- How do we get people connected?
- We need to be at the tables where economic and policy decisions are being made. We need to be a part of the solutions process, in tech spaces.
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- If Social Workers are at tech tables we can share our knowledge to help stop problems before they start.
- We don’t need to know how to code.
- We just need to understand conceptually.
- ...or use our SW skills to ask questions, find out information!
- We can’t say we aren’t “tech people”
- We have to figure out how we’re going to be in this space as Social Workers.
- We have to have our Social Work perspective at the table so we’re not chasing after things, but rather influencing them
- Challenge ourselves.
- Go into the tech and digital spaces we feel uncomfortable with.
- Use our SW Skills
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo #PHRI
- When poor people have little or nothing to lose, and their interests are aligned, they are a powerful force if they can be mobilized.
- Demand for a basic standard of living.
- Mass organization = power
50.5% of New Yorkers are Poor or Low Income
Social Services Funding is down 32%
17% of the nations homeless live in NYS
Black NYers are incarcerated at 8x the rate of white NYers
#PoorPeoplesCampaign #MacroSW #POVBuffalo
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo #HumanRights
Take Aways:
- Stop the war on the poor.
#MacroSW #PoorPeoplesCampaign #POVBuffalo
- This campaign is Non-Partisan.
- Neither of the two main political parties are working for the poorest.
- We have to work across region, religion, and race to organize.
- All systems are connected.
- The most directly impacted must be in leadership.
- The Abolition Movement took more than 100 years.
- Many other social revolutions/changes that we take for granted now, were once thought totally impossible (many if not all were fought against by business, special interests).
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- Go in with a sense of humility to truly listen to folx loved experiences and narratives (step down approach)

- Gap in lending to refugee communities
- Land is valued based on whether it can generate taxes, but not food
- Older Refugees face isolation and Food Access issues
- Easier to suggest ideas that are in place than point out problems
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- People are still being denied housing based on source of income in Buffalo
- It is now protected in Erie County
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- On the ground work is what has made the difference to the enforcement of policy.
- Policy change follows grassroots work.
- Food world takes 10-12 years from idea to policy change.
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- Build community partnerships where you can.
- You can’t be good at everything.
- Learn what partnerships are available.
- Get out of the “this is my service area” or “this is my job;” we have to work together to bridge gaps beyond our missions
- There are national networks to tap into.
- Networking our impact and leverage vs. scaling up
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- Use “Community of Opportunity” instead of “Food Desert.” This approach takes into account non-traditional food delivery systems like cultural coops, etc.
- Bringing and keeping money in the neighborhoods.
- Having positive impacts culturally and financially
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- Boots on the Ground
- Talk With Community Leaders. Form relationships with them to build trust within communities.
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo
- Concise Briefs are good
- ...but so are narratives.
- We all need to be speaking with each other.
- Some projects are projects of survival
- How are we bringing these narratives to policy makers? How are we raising up voices of the marginalized?
- Collaboration vs. Competition
#MacroSW #POVBuffalo