A powerful Bluebook which reminds that whatever there is to life, it is in HERE and NOW.
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The Journey: of How Dr. Richard Alpert transformed to Baba Ram Dass
From Bindu to Ojas: The Core Book
CookBook of Sacred Life: A Manual for a conscious being.
Tell your brain, “Don't think about past, be here Now”.
When you hear your mind say, “ This is what I want to do:”
Tell your brain, “Don't think about Future, be here Now”.
When you have quieted your mind enough and transcended your ego enough, you can hear how it really is. Then When you are with a candle flame, you are the candle flame, When there is a task to do, you are the task.
The first one: Concerns the fact that life always has in it the element of unfulfillment. Call it suffering. Birth Old age, Sickness Not getting what you want, getting what you don’t want, even getting what you
Fourth Noble truth is the Eightfold path for getting rid of desire. Which says: Get your Life straight.
You can’t rip the skin off the snake. The snake must moult the skin. That’s the rate it happens.
I see that I am blind, & I see the blinding light in everything,but I forget.I See what I know, I think, I know what I See,But sometimes I Forget. & this is the way It should be., At the end of every forget I remember
The book talks very little about the journey of Ram Dass and more of his learnings. It's a good reminder to go through the book once every month.