PROFESSOR HOBO: *wiping squirrel grease from hands onto cargo pants* alright men I’m gonna make you strong and masculine to do battle with the cucks, rule number one here is no jacking it
INCEL: like, you mean, in class?
INCEL: question
INCEL: does rubbing it on my waifu pillow count
INCEL: *unzips backpack* this is my girlfriend
PROFESSOR HOBO: *throws waifu pillow into burning barrel* SHE’S MAKING YOU WEAK
INCEL: *sobbing*
*entire class bolts for door*
PROFESSOR HOBO: *pushes button that drops portcullis* GET BACK HERE YOU COWARDS
*asthmatic coughing fit*
*class spends next thirty minutes reading the labels*
INCEL: wait there’s no food here
PROFESSOR HOBO: gotta learn how to SCAVENGE
INCEL: uh what’s in the basement
PROFESSOR HOBO: oh nothing special, just the world’s largest homemade gin still
PROFESSOR HOBO: how many shirts are you wearing
INCEL: uh. one?
PROFESSOR HOBO: and how many am I wearing
INCEL: *squinting hard* five no six? six?
PROFESSOR HOBO: and there’s your western civ