"rape and kill 6 year old girls"
dead link
Searched and found more info here: heavy.com/news/2013/07/t…
And here: nbcdfw.com/news/local/Tee…
Perp is not trans at all. Not even cross-dressing cis man. Why does this open this list?
"are sexual predators"
nametheproblem.com/2013/10/06/lev… dead link, will try to install malware
maleviolence.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/man-dr… dead link
Searched and found this: nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Boy…
Perp: Levandus Gacutan
No evidence is living as woman
Most likely cross-dressing cis man
"T. rape women"
Perp: Qasim Anwar, 30
"Transvestite", not transgender
"He then changed back into his normal clothing" = most likely normal presentation is male.
MAYbe trans, but most likely cross-dressing or drag-wearing cis man.
"TW rape women"
Perp: Gordon Murray Waite, 42
One woman, not "women"
No indication of trans. Cis man in a g-string. G-strings do not make people trans.
"TW rape women"
Dead link. No info to search on.
"cable-manufacturer.net"? I'm sure that's a quality source, mm hm.
To be generous, instead of throwing it out, I'll list it as "unverifiable".
"TW rape women"
Dead link. Searched and found this: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…
Perp: Peter Cook, "the hooded rapist"
Rapist known for leather mask, costumes. Only once caught in blonde wig. Cis man.
"TW rape women"
Perp: Kevin T. Kemp
No mention of trans. or even cross-dressing
However, a PREVIOUS victim in mentioned, Florencia Delgado Herrera, who was most likely trans.
Not trans woman. Instead, victimized trans woman.
"TW are rapists"
Freep? Really?
Found better source: starnewsonline.com/article/NC/200…
Perp: Michael Sean Ostrander
Cis male panty fetishist. Committed panty burglary. Previously convicted of rape. Not a trans woman.
"assault and sodomize women"
LOL Marv Albert is not a trans woman. Next.
"TW expose themselves at parks"
Perp: Stephen Roy Dombeck, 63
Searched a photo here: bustedmugshots.com/minnesota/mapl…
Not a trans woman. Cis man with a heel fetish who likes to streak in them.
"TW assault teenagers"
Perp's identity unknown.
Impossible to verify if trans or not.
Cross-dressing is very common among cis men. It in no way indicates transgender status.
"TW parade through office buildings" (LOL)
Guessing based on the sheer number of cis Ms who love to streak in high heels that this is another of those cases. But because there's no mention of who the perp is, it's impossible to say whether trans.
"TW steal from their families" (LOL)
Perp: Gregory Adam Streater, 26
No indication this is anything but cross-dressing cis man.
"TW attack their mothers with baseball bats"
Dead link
Found more info here: mercurynews.com/2011/11/08/san…
Perp: Christopher Castillo
Cross-dressing cis man. Facts strongly indicate women's clothing was a disguise to get away with the crime.
"TW wear tutus" (LOL--a grave crime)
Perp: Alan Ruchty, 63
DUI is serious, but it's not sexual assault or murder.
No indication this person is trans. Almost certainly cis man cross-dressing.
"TW molest children"
More info: lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/3560851.m…
Perp: Lawrence Balshaw, 50
Uncertain that he actually "molested" kids. Appears he always wears the same _costume_ to offend. Not the same as living as a woman. Cross-dressing cis man, not trans
"TW steal shoes" (LOL high crimes!)
(link: kfor.com/2013/03/07/man…) kfor.com/2013/03/07/man…
Perp: Sylas Schmiedel, 18
He says himself he was stealing the shoes for a drag act. Cis drag queen who couldn't afford shoes, not a trans woman.
"TW stab people"
Perp: Garnett Alexander Nathaniel Stevens, 20
Cis gay man who occasionally cross dresses. Not a trans woman.
"TW expose them selves in public"
houmatoday.com/article/200804… and wafb.com/Global/story.a… (dead link)
Perp: Harold Poston Jr.
LOL. This is not a trans woman. He is possibly a highly campy queer man? "Wicked Boulevard", LOL

"TW expose themselves in residential neighborhoods"
Same dead link as #19. Repeat.
"TW expose themselves at the post office"
Dead link.
Found alternate src with photo: wyff4.com/article/pcso-m…
Perp: Douglas Dean Evans, 41
This is a cis man wearing women's clothing as a costume. Not a trans woman. Next.
"rob women of their shoes" (LOL)
Dead link. Impossible to search with given information. I'll be generous and instead of assuming it's horseshit like everything else, classify this as "unverifiable".
"TW masturbate in public libraries"
Perp: Samuel McGilton, 72
More info I found here: thesmokinggun.com/documents/crim…
This is a cis man with a cross dressing fetish. Not a trans woman. Next.
"TW masturbate in public"
Dead link.
Found alt src w/photo: dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-new…
Perp: Scott Paterson, 29
Another cis man with a fetish involving cross-dressing. This is getting *yawn*
"TW solicit lewd acts from children"
Asiantown.net? Garbage source.
"an unknown male who is described as Caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic" LOLOLOLOL
Once again, I'll be extremely generous and classify this as "unverifiable".
"TW expose and touch themselves in public"
Perp: Peter Karras, 51, Police Office
Found more info here: news.com.au/national/cross…
Sounds like a cr-dressing cis man tried to sneak in sexy time with himself somewhere discreet & got caught. Not trans.
"TW grope and grab teenaged girls"
"In all three incidents the man said he had attended a cross-dressing party."
Cross dressing ≠ trans.
I'm feeling generous so, since we don't know anything about him, I'll chalk this up as unverifiable.
"TW masturbate in the park"
Police blotter, not an article.
Perp: Jason Bray, 20
This is the classic cis man with a high heel fetish who likes to expose himself scenario. Not a trans woman.

"TW sue to wear panties in prison" (not a crime)
Perp: William H. Warren Jr., 43
"The inmate said he needs to wear women's panties because he suffers from irritable bowel syndrome.”
Not trans. Maybe a cross-dresser, maybe just weird. Not a crime.
"TW expose themselves in parking lots"
(link: postandcourier.com/article/200909…
Dead link. Impossible to find more with info given.
Sounds like your classic cis man with indec. exposure fetish who likes to cross dress scenario, but I'm willing to put it down as unverifiable.
"TW flash young teens"
No suspect available. Impossible to verify whether trans or what.
Article says "young people", not "young teens".
"TW expose themselves at gas stations"
Dead link.
Impossible to find more info with given facts.
I'm guessing horseshit, but if it makes the TERFs feel better to say "unverifiable", whatever.
"TW expose themselves to drivers from the road side" (why always plural when the article is always about 1 person?)
Dead link.
Found alt link: patch.com/michigan/clint…
Perp: Joseph Alfonsi, 45
Another cross-dressing cis man.
"TW de in cars" (no idea what this means)
Perp: Daniel Eugene Robinson, 38
This story is weird af, but once again, this is a cross-dressing cis man, not a trans woman.
"TW find sexual pleasure in the park" (that's a poetic way to say "indecent exposure")
Perp: Kelly Lee Fischer, 35
Nothing to indicate this isn't a cis man. AGAIN.
"TW masturbate in front of children"
Perp: Jonathan Cooper Allen, 53
WTF? This doesn't even involve cis men cross-dressing.
"TW flash women at train stations"
"Factory worker Paul Cleife ran up behind members of the public and pulled down his trousers to reveal he was wearing women's underwear."
Not a trans woman, idiots.
"TW flash and run"
Perp: Sabien Byrd, 37
"The cabbie said that Byrd was wearing olive green tights, a black-hooded sweatshirt and a ski mask."
...since when is Robin Hood a trans woman?
"TW perform lewd acts in car parks"
Dead link.
Found alt src: walesonline.co.uk/news/local-new…
Perp: Francis Louis Oliver, aged 41
Weird story about a guy living out of his car. Not trans. Not even certain he wanted to engage in indecent exposure.
"TW expose themselves to dog walkers"
No suspect identified. Impossible to verify whether trans.
"TW attempt to kidnap children for sex"
Dead link.
Unable to look up additional info based on url. But url indicates this is about child porn possession. Impossible to verify anything.
"TW flash women at grocery store"
Perp: Maurice Gaylon Bryant, 31
Just another cis man who likes to show off his genitals in women's underwear. There are a LOT of them, folks. Keep trying to pass them off as trans women & you'll look like fools.
"TW force female validation" (huh?)
Dead link.
Alt src: benzworld.org/forums/off-top…
Perp unknown
"a man who has a mustache and has been seen wearing women's underwear, a garter belt and black high-heel boots."
Unverifiable, sounds more like cis c-d-er.
"TW flash dog-walkers"
ONE dog walker.
No perp IDed, so unverifiable but outfit desc, "a blue or grey long-sleeved sweatshirt, black stockings and a red suspender belt" indicates cis man with lingerie fetish. "sweatshirt", LOL.
"TW expose themselves to construction workers"
Police blotter.
NO idea where anyone would get "trans woman" from this, LOL.

"TW assault women"
Perp: Sean Byrne, aged 39
Yeah, LOL, no. This is not a trans woman, either, idiots.
"TW steal" (is that a request?)
Perp: Edward Coapstick, 36
Stealing PIZZA. He stole PIZZA. Also, there's no indication that he's a trans woman.
"TW piss on neighbors porch"
Dead link. Impossible to dig up another source, as people pissing on their neighbors' porches is apparently exceedingly common. No way to verify trans /cis status.
"TW stroll the neighborhood in panties"
Dead link.
Found alt src: patch.com/ohio/lakewood-…
police blotter
Walking around in only panties is generally a cis guy thing. But I'll be generous and say there's no way to verify with info given.

"TW steal and wear neighbors clothing" 24tanzania.com/wanted-man-nab…
Uganda? That's diligence for you.
Perp: Francis Musuju
Not going to pretend I know enough about Musuju's culture to say whether he's trans. But in the West, stealing panties & wearing them is a cis guy thing.
“TW Grope women”
Similar to #37
Perp: Richard Boule, 48
Cis M panty flashing fetishist
“TW Stand outside in women’s underwear”
Another cis dude digging women’s underwear

“TW Break into neighbors home”
Perp: Peter T. Dubinski, 53
Cross dressing cis man
“TW Spy on women in bathrooms”
Joel Hardman, 22
Not even cross-dressing. Literally wearing female costume, complete with creepy mask, to avoid detection.
“TW Peep and video couples, return to steal her clothes”
Wesley Francis Cox, 44
Wasn’t even wearing the panties, just using them as masturb. aid. Another cis M panty worshipper.
“TW Get high and vandalize women’s bathroom” [sounds like guerilla activism, LOL]
Gender of bathroom not specified, actually. If it was women’s, prob. would have been mentioned.
No indic. man is trans.
Writing on bathroom walls=high crimes, amirite?
“TW dress in women’s lingerie and rob people” [sounds like a John Waters movie!]
I found add’l info: nola.com/crime/2013/02/…
Herbert James Bickham
Maybe trans… but maybe also New Orleans?
“TW wearing black bras flash young women”
“he had thinning, short white hair and a scruffy, stubbly beard[…] And he was wearing a long, tan cloth trenchcoat, she said.”
This is a cis M flasher with a bra fetish, folks.
“TW expose themselves to other men”
Not much to go on, but it sure sounds like a cis dude with panty thing.
“TW expose themselves while riding scooters” [SCOOTERS!!!]
purse snatcher wanting to be outrageous. Not trans woman, LOL.
“TW enter women’s restrooms and locker rooms for sexual gratification”
Orig link dead. From Wayback Machine: web.archive.org/web/2017070803…
Taylor J. Buehler, 18
Nothing indicates trans woman. Panty and underwear thing suggest cis M fetishist.
“TW filed under ‘Open and Gross’ in police call logs” [Narrator: it was neither open nor gross]
Orig link dead. Wayback link: web.archive.org/web/2013120409…
Police dropped it.
Appears problem was that the person was thought too hefty for the outfit?
Possibly a trans woman? But tiny shorts and a purse are not crimes at all, so it doesn't really matter whether this person was trans or cis.

“TW smuggle drugs in their bra and panties”
LOL. Or they were cis Ms who didn’t want to shove bags of drugs into their colons?
“TW attack their ex-wives with a meat cleaver”
Dead link, and a weirdly formatted one, too. Unable to Google with info given.
“TW murder women”
m.kitv.com/news/newlyrele… dead
m.kitv.com/news/people-sa… dead
Found vid here: hawaiinewsnow.com/story/22935691…
Video re: perp here:
Cis M. Wearing loose clothing you stole from the woman you attacked to avoid detection ≠ being a trans woman.
“TW attack and stab women”
winknews.com/mobile/index.p… dead
and winknews.com/mobile/index.p… dea
Found on Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2013120400…
Alt src: abc-7.com/story/22111060…
"returned to scene in women’s clothing”. Sounds like he was trying to disguise himself. No indic. he is trans.
“TW steal clothes from Sorority House”
m.koco.com/Cross-Dressing… (dead)
Found updated link:
Gregory Adam Streater, 28
Photo here: newsok.com/article/371580…
Looks like a cis man with a fetish. Same guy as in #13
“TW assault security guards and steal designer dresses”
touch.washingtoncitypaper.com/wcp/#!/entry/c… dead
Found updated link: washingtoncitypaper.com/columns/the-se…
AHA! Finally: this person could be trans or GNC.
If so, she stole some dresses and pepper sprayed a guard.
“TW threaten with knives”
Dead link
No Wayback archive
Nothing on Google
“TW rape other men”
Dead link
No Wayback archive
Nothing on Google
Unverifiable, but note that link says “trans man”, not “trans woman”
“T. have a fetish for women’s undergarments”
[No, actually, that’s usually a cis M thing]
John Anthony Vega, 29
Not even cross-dressing here. Just macking on panties.
“T. break-in to homes in the middle of the night”
“He was wearing underwear and a black hoodie sweatshirt, police said.”
No perp IDed.
Sounds more like another cis M panty exhibitionist. I’m willing to classify it as “unverifiable”
“T. have erections with their coffee”
[you’d think the problem would be the exhibitionism, not that one is erect in the presence of caffeine]
LOL this is not a trans woman.
“shoot at police”
“A known cross-dresser” could mean misgendering a trans person or it could be a cis M cross dresser. Classified as “unverified”.
“T. work as ‘Escorts’”
[no need for the quotes around escort]
Claudia Charriez was a trans woman VICTIM of assault.
So she admits to past escort work. And?
Many disadvantaged demographics do sex work for survival. If you stigmatize sex workers, you’re a garbage human being.
“T. suffer a phenomenal 19 rapes in just 10 years”
So being a rape victim is a crime now if you’re a trans woman? TERFs are disgusting.
“T. break-in to neighbors house, bring drugs and porn, borrow panties”
Dreamin’ Demon, LOL.
More info found: web.archive.org/web/2012032003…
Mike Zullo, 52
“He was known to her as Mike”.
Cis M cross dressing perv, not a trans woman.
“T alarm customers and create a scene at local Pizza Hut” [LOL]
Vishon Murphy
So... customers want to police what a person wears, so management throws out the fashion nonconforming person, and this is somehow *Murphy’s* bad action?
There’s no crime here except maybe by Pizza Hut management. No indecent exposure. No abuse of others. Just being kicked out of public accommodations because people don't like what you're wearing. Honestly, it doesn’t even matter whether this person is trans or not.
“T half-naked take young daughters on drugged joyride”
Johnathan Harty, 31
Not a trans woman. Needs help for out of control meth addiction. Like, I would hesitate to put this bizarre shit under “cross-dressing”, even.
“T assault women and steal underwear”
Dead link. Also: blog called “Abominations” LOL.
Found on Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2013120401…
Joseph Greenquist, 18
Link to full story dead, too.
Undetermined, but this is cis M panty fetishist behavior.
“TW love being seen in public”
THE NERVE of some folks. Wanting to be SEEN? IN PUBLIC? BY OTHER PEOPLE??? Also ruffling one’s skirt in a flirty way? High crimes, LOL! Yeah, another case where it doesn’t even matter whether person is trans.
"in booty shorts"
Dead link.
Video unavailable now.
But pro-tip: booty shorts are not a crime.
“T. Impersonate police officers”
Too much going on here, and no perp IDed, so unverifiable. But if you’re going to impersonate a police officer, then I’m guessing you might impersonate a woman and not actually be trans.
“TW Sexually molest teenaged boys”
Dead link
Found on Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2010081501…
Article is a hot mess. “Transgender” not a noun. Also not the same as “transvestite” Not reliable.
This article says “posed as woman”, i.e., not trans. web.archive.org/web/2010081716…
So… *maybe* trans? But more likely cross-dressing cis M.
“TW creep around rape victims back yard”
Because he's a minor, we’ll likely never know details. Unlikely to be trans, but I’ll be generous and file this under unverifiable.
“TW confess to killing little girls”
[…but didn’t actually kill anyone]
OK, she looks to be trans. False confession is technically a crime. But other than being generally creepy af, no other credible crimes here.
“TW advertise child pornography on Craiglist” kptv.com/story/23284427… (dead link)
Found on Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2013120402…
Michael Moore.
Not a trans woman.
“rob in taxis at knife point”
chicagojournal.com/News/08-08-201… (dead link)
On Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2012081306…
Doesn’t pass sniff test. Sure sounds like s.o. who engaged a prostitute and concocted an elaborate story to cover his ass. No perp IDed. Undetermined.
“violate probation”
Dead link
Updated link with photo: channel3000.com/news/local-new…
Derrell Burns, 21
Impossible to tell from article whether this person is trans, but running from police is a parole violation, and I’m not going to fault any black person in America for running from police.
“TW dig tunnels and watch child pornography”
William Willis, 45
Surprisingly little info. Described as “cross-dresser”. Undetermined, but probably not trans.
“TW steal booze and dance”
Dead link
From Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2012071211…
Perp: Clyde Yarborough, Jr.
Maybe trans? Maybe cross-dressing cis man? Impossible to say from info available.
And while high-speed chases are dangerous, stealing booze and dancing have nothing to do with oppressing anyone sexually or violent abuse.
“TW steal cars and whore”
[aka, The Fast And the Fabulous]
Found better info here: nbcmiami.com/news/122769109…
“Whore”. Yeah, that doesn’t enable misogyny at all.
I think it’s likely this person is trans.
Stealing cars is bad and all, but this crime has nothing to do with harming anyone, especially not sexually. See #89 re: black people for running from police.
“TW host circle jerk block parties”
[Narrator: no parties were actually hosted]
No better sources.
This=classic cis male privilege perving. Calling this as a cis man with a panty fetish + worst neighbor ever.
Maybe he’s unknown porch pisser from #48
“TW hang out in your garage wearing your panties”
Better link found with photo: blog.oregonlive.com/nwheadlines/20…
Panty Hood strikes again, i.e., cis man with a fetish for liberating panties from the panty-rich.
“TW torture their girlfriends”
Kristopher Lawless
Even when he was soliciting in women’s clothes, he self-identified as a man. No mention of regular cross-dressing any other time. A cis M.
“TW Are convicted pedophiles”
calgarysun.com/2012/08/25/nam… (dead link)
From Wayback: web.archive.org/web/2014082515…
A sex offender that is actually a trans person.
We only had to wade through 96 claims.
“T. Threaten to kill state legislators”
Thomas Aaron Brothers, 41
Panty fixation strongly suggests cis man with panty fetish.
“participate in office sex scandals”
[gotta love how TERFs dismiss workplace sexual harassment as an “office sex scandal”]
Not a single trans person in story. Just a cis woman & a couple of panty-fetishist cis male cops.
“wear double the panties”
Dead link
Updated link: patch.com/michigan/royal…
Wait, so wearing 2 pairs of panties is the issue here? I’d think it would be the shoplifting, Regardless, nothing to indicate this isn’t yet another cis M panty bandit.
“steal from laundry room”
Joey Eugene Gallegos, 39
Another cis M pantyjacker.
Geez, guys, buy your own panties.
No evidence he’s even wearing the underwear, just taking it