So how do we begin engaging ourself first before knowing where to channel our contribution towards Nation building?
At some point I almost told my parents to go fuck themselves!
For short - No one Owes you money simply because you are a graduate. Stop the rat race while the potency of cognitive dissonance is less lethal.
On the question of *Who* consider the following;
Who is this harmful to?
Who makes decisions about this?
Who is most directly affected?
Who have you also heard discuss this?
Who would be best person to consult?
Who will be the key people in this?
Who deserves recognition for this? 🤔
What are the Strengths/Weaknesses?
What is another perspective?
What is another alternative?
What would be the counter argument?
What is the best/worst case scenario?
Whatvis most/least important?
What can we do to make a positive/social change? 🤔
Where would we see this in the real world?
Where are there similar concepts/situations?
Where is there the most need for this?
Where in the world would this be a problem?
Where can we get more information?
Where do we go for help with this?
Where are the areas for improvement?
Every decision is worth the ask. Human beings are creatures of habit and what makes life easier is having a rule. A deep conviction and setting a pattern. Questioning helps.
When is acceptable/unacceptable?
When would this benefit society?
When would this cause a problem?
When is the best time to take action?
When will we know we’ve succeeded?
When has this played a part in history?
When can we expect this to change?
Regardless of the issue you are deliberating on, timing is key. A million dollars when you are 80years old is just a waste of paper when your colleagues are waiting for you in the grave. We are our society & network. Live now.
Why is this a problem or challenge?
Why is it relevant to me/others?
Why is this the best/worst scenario?
Why are people influenced by this?
Why should people know about this?
Why has it been this way for so long?
Why have we allowed this to happen?
A wise man once said that those who know the hows will always be shackled to to those who knows the Why. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Bezoz, Etc higher their weaknesses on the hows because they know the Why.
How is this similar to (cite any close idea to yours)?
How does this disrupt things?
How do we know the truth about this?
How will we approach this safely?
How does this benefit us/others?
How does this harm us/others?
How can we change this for our good?
Each time I engage people who argue with the innovations deployed in our advocacy, I see attempts at holding on to what they have always done. But our world is changing. Don’t be imprisoned by conventions.
Will you allow conventions and social construct limit you?!