Seeing as I haven't done a #Loopyhype thread for a while, I think I'll explain exactly why below...…
"successfully trialled in a number of locations"
These are both lies. Hyperloop hasn't operated at full speed, it hasn't negotiated a switch or a curve yet, and not a single functioning station system has been built. #Loopyhype

It is a question roundly ignored by its progenitors.

Deliberately confusing the market's capacity to provide passengers and Hyperloop's ability to move them is the whole basis on which the scam has been developed.
Besides, mixing intra- and inter-urban passenger traffic is one of the main problems with the GB rail network.

It's not going underground. As the report says a paragraph later.

If it did, actual transportation engineers would be trying to adopt them!

I couldn't care less... The discussion is irrelevant. But what he says is also quite silly.

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled."
Whether they like it or not, Hyperloop is beholden to the laws of nature, and those laws apply to railways and gadgetbahns alike.
Disagree with any of this? Bring evidence.