Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has announced it will conduct a full statutory investigation on whether the Labour Party "has unlawfully discriminated against, harassed or victimised people because they are Jewish"
Alongside our submission, @JewishLabour put in a large tranche of evidence /2
The terms of reference are extensive, a root and branch review of the party's actions and processes equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/…

1. Have unlawful acts been committed by the party/its employees/agents?
2. Has the party implemented the recommendations in its own reports?
3. Are its processes fit for purpose?
4. Has it responded to complaints lawfully?

1. It created the equality and human rights regulator which is now using its most draconian powers to investigate its creator
2. Only other political party to be investigated is the BNP
4. Inquiry likely to take many months and possibly over a year
5. EHRC has powers to drag party to court if it isn't complying with requests for evidence
That is entirely in the hands of the Labour Party, which has shown (in my view) serious failures of process, culture and leadership.
This is actually very important...