This is false.
The truth is, @NRA actively lobbied VA lawmakers & Congress to make it *easier* for this man to kill.
This thread has the receipts.

-made multiple firearm purchases in recent weeks
-used gun silencer
-used high capacity magazines
@NRA lobbied against purchase limits & high capacity magazine ban in VA. It pushed Congress to make it easier to buy gun silencers

"Please contact committee members and urge them to OPPOSE Gov. Northam's gun control bills."
It lists 3 bills that could've made it harder for #VirginiaBeachShooting killer to get guns…

DEM SENATORS: Shut down Senate until McConnell agrees hold vote on @ChrisMurphyCT's b-check bill (House passed b-checks ~100 days ago)
2020 CANDIDATES: Show us your bold plans to raise federal standard for gun ownership & production