Let me share a little trade secret with my ecom friends.
Stay tuned.
It's gonna be a thread you don wanna miss.
It has helped us gain sales that would have otherwise been lost and it will help you.
Ladies and gentlemen, the thread.
One of my businesses is an ecommerce website that sells wristwatches.
We design a lot of websites in house in my IT consulting company and this website is not an exception.
It's worse that when you have succeeded in getting them, something causes them to stop short of completing their order and making you more money.
When a customer gets to your website after seeing your ad, it confirms they are interested.
But 85% of those visitors never turn into sales. 😣😢
But you can see it's a real problem.
So how do you solve this?
Offering deals that are too good to resist.
Using bonuses.
These solutions assume your visitor stays to read the entirety of your offer.
How do you get across to them?
Do you even know who they are? Can you reach across to them?
Read on.
I find that for our customers, many abandoned forms come from questions the copy didn't answer.
Yes, we have a phone number on each offer but people are lazy.
Rather than call, they can abandon the entire thing.
And there, the money you paid FB to bring in that customer is lost, forever!
If you use any other platform, sorry I can't help you.
Or you can ask your specialist developer to add something similar for you.
Everything is possible.
It is a sweet little app that captures every detail you have in your order form that the customer fills out before they ja pa.
She clicks the link and the offer page opens.
She reads.
She goes ahead to click the Order Now button.
then she starts filling in her delivery address, phone number and...
they had a lovers quarrel yesterday night.
Your offer, no matter how good it is, goes to the back seat (in fact, to the overflow section outside the hall).
She needs to hear what boo boo has to say and make up quickly because she misses him
After the call, she's so elated or more depressed.
She jumps on her last dialed numbers to call her bestie to relate everything that just happened.
Your offer to sell the hot product just got repatriated.
Freaking illegal immigrant.
If you had the Recover Abandoned Cart installed on your ecom site, you can chill.
No problem.
In the evening after Roselyn's temper has cooled down, you go receive a notification on your phone that there was an abandoned cart.
You open and...
Correct babe.
After the first ring, she picks and
"My name is Collins from...
We saw an incomplete order with you details on our system and we were wondering if you had any issues with the website.
I'll be happy to help you sort it out."
Let me do that now."
You push it further to remove all obstacles
"Or you can just send me you details and I'll do the rest for you."
A sale that would have been 100% lost has just been recovered from the jaws of death.
Lucky you.
Aren't you glad you follow me?