1/11 I previously warned people about the coming of a new currency earlier than expected & that those with USD bought at a higher rate will count losses more.
Without your indulgence, I would like to unpack th introduction of the new currency.

There are so many governance&fiscal actions that are required 2 make monetary interventions work. Another topic!
The interbank or official rate is at 6.32.
These two rates had failed 2 converge. Policies & state & private actors were driving it.
A new currency has now been introduced when the 2% levy on all digital transactions & a higher rate have been to pay off lots of debts.
Anyone needing forex will hav 2 go 2 th bank.
Anyone selling forex will have 2 offload it 2 th banks & bureau de changes at interbank rate.
FCA Nostro accounts aren’t affected.
The mode of payments aren’t affected except that soon th Word RTGS will be replaced by ZW$.
Duties for imports on luxury & selected goods shall remain in forex.
State & private actors that were behind this may be under surveillance & monitoring. They weren’t many!
On this matter, there is a big difference with Gideon Gono’s ill thoughtout actions.
If your customers or borrowers owed you in ZW$, don’t you see this benefits you?
His actions may not be the best. Let others come forward in civility.
I’m keen for IDEAS.