Of poignant note was the Greek delegation of lawyers from Kavala, Greece.
Tomorrow expected to be a full day.
A full report to follow. @BarHumanRights @article19org
Worth noting a crowded courtroom rose to give both Kavala & Aksakoğlu a long, hearty and respectful applause, many times over. #GeziPark
The Court heard from 4 other Defendants, & lawyers’ statements for Kavala & Aksakoğlu. Court refused to allow public back for interim decision. A few international observers eventually permitted to stay, including @BarHumanRights.
Interim Decision: Aksakoğlu is released from detention, subject to judicial control. Osman Kavala is not released after 20 months & his detention continues. No other Defs had travel bans lifted. The concluding hearing will be on 18-19 July.
This was a common feature of all of the Defendants who spoke - they contextualised the trial in the context of a bigger picture of constitutionally protected rights in Turkey. #GeziPark

Reflecting on the need for space for civil society & its vital role in internationally protected rights to assemble, to discuss, to peacefully protest in a democracy.