Take it seriously.
The mood controls your behaviors.
And your behavior dictates your actions.
If you feel low energy, make your body 2x the size.
-Physiology dictates psychology.
-Psychology dictates emotions.
-Emotions dictate physiology.
It is all intertwined.
The thoughts & emotions are intangible, so it's not easy at first.
But your body?
Lock in on that.
The winners of the next generation are walking with purpose.
The losers of today & tomorrow are dragging their feet away.
Therefore, their body indicates that.
Take advantage!
A powerful posture will have you become the diamond in the rough.
Elements: Shoulders, back, chin.
Shoulders wide, back straight, chin up.
Elements: Eyes, tonality, palms
Adjust eye contact depending on who you are speaking too
Avoid a stagnant voice (monotone). Keep voice musical.
Treat palms like weapons to conduct the energy.
Don't fall victim to dragging your feet.
The mantra: Walk like you're about to pick up a billion dollar check.
You'll walk with some purpose.
Soon, a strong body will become autopilot.
You will no longer need to think about it.
Like driving, brushing your teeth & typing.
Empowering thoughts will manifest.
Behaviors will alter for the best.
Call that magic.
For more tips on body language, follow @ArmaniTalks