We'll be live-tweeting using #TeachingMigration

She says teaching migration, empire and belonging in secondary schools is the right thing to do. She highlights Windrush as an example of why it's vital

78% of teachers surveyed wanted to teach migration
@ERC_TIDE Project set about providing teachers with the tools to do so through the Beacon Fellowship programme
Perhaps because of teachers not being confident to doing so
Knowledge isn't static or fixed, knowledge isn't neutral - history (and public discourses) reflects the power relations of the time.
Currently, the nameless and the silent are not represented in what pupils are being taught.
It has highlighted what teachers need and provides training for teachers to teach the Holocaust sensitively and confidently
Some stories are hidden. She says so many of our stories, living legacies of Empire and migration, are hidden
The opportunities to teach migration and Empire exist but teachers choose not because of dominant narratives.
Studying early Empire reshapes the narrative of oppressor/oppressed
And found teaching migration and Empire in her classroom in South East London, close to Brixton, New Cross and Stephen Lawrence, resonated with pupils
The curriculum is stuck because people are pushed for time.
She says OurMigrationStory.co.uk is a hugely important classroom resource
She says #migration is a brilliant prism through which we can ALL learn about our history, regardless of when we arrived in Britain.

She says more campaigning is needed to make this happen