We're live-tweeting using #RaceAndClass

It's created division, that we need to overcome and move the narrative forward

The research is a year-long case study of working class London, mainly North Kensington (#Grenfell)
There were 10 focus groups, with people from low income backgrounds
#Grenfell and #Windrush are two moments that the invisible became visible
The way in which public debates around working class, BME and migrant groups, is framed has informed policy.
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass

@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass
Have we been divided and conquered?
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass

However it's not the white working class that denies BME groups jobs
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass

Dignity needs to be reintroduced to public services. And equality legislation needs to be held to a higher standard.
Says the separation of the working class and race is divisive and a 'trick of the right' and politicians such as Nigel Farage
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass

@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass

People who live in social housing are labelled and put in a box. It's prejudice.
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass
It's led to a change in mindset with residents associations forming and commissioning services
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass
This is why #Windrush Day is important, to celebrate working class, BME histories and contributions
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass
@CLASSthinktank #RaceAndClass