But as always, that post-colonial overconfidence that can make you guys into such a nightmare to deal with had to make its appearance
As for the US backing the UK up on such a suicidal fool's errand, should Britain ever consider such an insane course of action, Trump might want to oblige you, but the American people wouldn't support it.
So what does that leave you with? Economic sanctions?
Britain seemed to like this idea.
Well, take a good look at Hong Kong. That's just the start of the answer life is about to provide you.
Which would call for remarkable restraint on their part.
There's nothing any of us can do. The Chinese know it, so why would they back down?
The world (outside of Europe) will either line up behind the Chinese or (like the US) have the sense to sit this one out.
There's nothing left to be done, other than for us to think about the d.umb things our countries just did and pledge to never do them again.
It's too late to do any more than that.