Savoini told the NYTimes he does not recall who he was sitting with during the meeting because “it was full of Italians and Russians that morning. All over the hotel and also who spoke with me”…

Savoini describes the three Italians as "a triumvirate,” a “watertight compartment” that needs to be “more than prudent.”
The Italian men are explicit that the purpose of the proposed deal is to fund Lega and “sustain” a campaign, they are “not counting on making money” for themselves.
This is not the issue. As we make clear in the story, we do not know if the proposed deal was ever executed…
There are 3 sets of questions Salvini should address:
Pligin's name is also mentioned several times during the meeting.
His spokesperson "declined to comment directly on whether Mr. Salvini knew about the negotiation at the Metropol hotel" when asked by the NYTimes' @jasondhorowitz