My original plan was to write about the actualfa, so I did a very deep dive, reading books about them and by them
but today I’m not gonna do that…
But for his part, Abrahms does think leadership matters, very much — though not in the way you might expect.
Rule One: Don’t murder civilians.
Rule Two: Don’t let your subordinates murder civilians, either.
Rule Three: Distance the organization when your subordinates, being militants and probably dumbasses, inevitably murder civilians anyway.
The only terrorist campaign (i.e., against civilian targets) that yielded a policy objective: the 2004 Madrid bombings, credited with forcing Spanish withdrawal from Iraq.
This pissed off the terrorist who did it: “I know what happened, I was there!”
Rule Two is harder: *make sure your subordinates don’t do it either.*
This explains a lot about why the Palestinian independence movement in particular is so screwed up, BTW.
But guess what? Shit happens.
So what happens when a terrorist leader is killed in a decapitating drone strike?
Which also sounds uncomfortably like our situation on the white nationalist front.
This was the case for Weatherman, for example.