The pro-life film is already becoming one of the top films in American theaters.

But the damage is already done ... and not to the movie!
Twitter just did this film a favor!
For as long as it's in theaters, LET'S ALL MAKE SURE WE GO AND SEE IT!

The #Unplanned account was just deactivated and then reinstated by @Twitter over the weekend of its theatrical release.

Every time, when I refresh the page, @Twitter seems to automatically undo my follow.

@Twitter HAS DISABLED users from following the account of @UnplannedMovie.
This is the weekend of the pro-life movie #Unplanned's debut in U.S. theaters, where it is outperforming expectations.
#Twitter has disabled its users' ability to follow @UnplannedMovie, the account of the pro-life film #Unplanned.
This is the movie's opening weekend in theaters.
Although @UnplannedMovie seems to have attracted fully 61K new followers since @Twitter mysteriously reduced them from 100K to under 100, when I clicked o on #Unplanned's follower count, #Twitter reported "@unplannedmovie doesn't have any followers...."

Despite aggressive and mysterious restrictions, @UnplannedMovie has attracted OVER 200,000 NEW FOLLOWERS since @Twitter reduced their follower count to zero less than two hours ago.
If #Twitter was trying to hurt them, the backlash has far outweighed their effort!

They do however seem to have recovered the accounts they were FOLLOWING (including mine).

WHY would they want to censor @UnplannedMovie? Same reason slave owners wouldn't want you to read an anti-slavery book in the 1850's!
This 3-minute video about #Unplanned explains. WATCH: