E-commerce slows down for most in July.
Facebook ads performance usually tanks with this slow down. (Assuming FB ads is working)
Try these tricks to help mitigate costs & improve performance.
Use same pixel.
In theory, this shouldn’t work, because its the same web pixel
It works time and time again for our bigger accounts that spend $1k + per day.
Take top performing copy and add new creative. (Limit 5 ads in a CBO ad set)
Look at reports for what placements did well and go specific placements instead of auto placements.
I’ve seen a lot of talk about this & it works.
For accounts that really slowed down we are seeing results on:
* All customer list 9-10%
* Initiate checkout 30_9-10%
* Purchase 30_9-10%
* Customers list 2 + orders 9-10%
* Customers 5 + orders 9-10%
Determine a cost your client is willing to pay, to grow their list.
Modify bidding, so you hit this target cost.
Grow the list so you can be successful during the holidays.