Poverty: @turn2us_org
Homelessness: @Shelter
The elderly: @ageukcampaigns
Foodbanks: @TrussellTrust
Citizen's Advice: @CitizensAdvice
Mental health: @MindCharity
Open topics currently include homelessness, police firearms, renter rights, & sexual harassment.
@LibertyHQ fight fascism, mass surveillance & abuse of police power, & defend free speech & equal rights - you can donate, join or volunteer!
Buy a copy, donate, or subscribe here: support.theguardian.com
Books for children: @BookTrust
Low-income educational help: @shinetrustuk
Childhood support: @actnforchildren
Also, ask a local school if they need reading volunteers!
Organise a protest (if you're marching, inform police: gov.uk/protests-and-m…)
Petition the government: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/new
Contact the media with important stories (@BBC or @Guardian are good choices)
Use @YStopUK if you're stopped by police