Your mind loves playing your old memories/ fake scenarios over & over again.
In fact, most people are living in the past or the future during the day.
They are constantly overanalyzing the past or worrying about the future.
(See rest of thread 👇🏻)
What you need to do is:
1. Stop practicing your negative visualization muscle (images of past/ future scenarios)
2. Practice being present.
First, start with meditation.
Meditation is a must in order to have more control over your mind.
Every day, for at least 5 minutes:
Sit down, close your eyes, focus on your breathing.
Inhale for 5 seconds, then exhale for 5 seconds.
Don't worry. Keep bringing your attention back to your breaths.
Practice meditation every day & being calm will become your natural state of being.
You will be more aware of your thoughts.
Second technique: Interruption.
Your mind can only think one thought at a time.
When you overthink, you experience a negative thoughts loop.
The moment you think a positive thought, you stop the negative loop.
Then another & another.
The more you practice, the faster you will notice your negative thoughts.
That's how you reprogram your brain to think mostly in a positive way.
Pay attention to what you learned so far:
1. Meditating daily will make you a naturally calm person.
3. When you are aware, you are able to reframe a negative thought with a positive one the moment it appears.
You will rarely overthinking. And when you do, you'll stop it fast easily.
I gave you the tools. All you need is the discipline to practice it daily for at least 30 days.
That's the minimum time it takes to form a habit.
When your new way of thinking becomes habitual, you become a completely different person.
You will function at a whole other level.
People will be amazed by your transformation.
Time to level up 🚀