1. Twitter, you could do a thread of your achievements and goals and pin just like I have done and I update it.
3. As cliche as it may sound, find a purpose. know exactly what you want to do.
5. Find a niche.
6. Find solutions to problems, look for what's missing, a problem in society and seek to solve it.
8. Involve yourself in politics, get involved, it is always a sure route.
10. WhatsApp, your contacts would always be your first customers.
11. Be a commentary on the society, the very way a lot of our Twitter celebs became popular.
13. Meetup.com is a networking platform that allows you to meet new people.
15. Attend workshops in your industry. Success isn't going to come knocking at your door, you go find it.
17. Sell Yourself, exaggerate some of the most little things you have done. You are your personal hype man.
19. Create a website or a blog.
21. Read a new book, as cliche as it may sound, knowledge still remains power.
23. Be precise.
25. Go into your company of choice, ask questions about them, submit that letter. I met the CEO of Access Bank in the toilet.
27. Create a bucket list, consciously write what you intend to achieve and tick your way through.
28. Savings, learn the habit of saving.
31. Put your CV on job-seeking platforms, use jobberman.com, and other platforms.
33. Get Up! Stop creating excuses some people made greatness out if those excuses.
35. Help even when it doesn't come with pay. People always remember.
37. Challenge your beliefs about what you can and can't do.
39. Create a business card.
40. Offer a service, such as reviewing CVs.
43. Try to always create a positive impression, no matter where you go.
45. Join clubs and societies. Get involved!
46. Have multiple streams of income. Can't be overemphasized.
48. Networking, meet new people and connect with them.
49. Pitch that idea.
51. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
52. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
54. Constantly seek new opportunities and don't stay stuck on that job.
55. Reflect, this is a sure way to differentiate between where you are now and where you have been.