His @Discordapp posts include a pro-diversity sign riddled with bullet holes.


One of his guests was Holocaust denier and Nazi podcaster Mike Peinovich (aka Mike Enoch): unicornriot.ninja/2019/exposed-s…

Andrew Anglin, owner of the Daily Stormer and currently on the run from several federal lawsuits, was active in the same chat.
In 2017 we outed anti-Semitic podcaster ‘Caerulus Rex’ as Brian Brathovd, a National Guard soldier moonlighting as Richard Spencer’s bodyguard:
Our series from fall 2017 breaks down the extensive contents of the leaked Cville chats: unicornriot.ninja/2017/charlotte…
Browse Charlottesville 2.0 logs: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/server…
Browse 'Vibrant Diversity" logs: discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/discord/server…
Vanguard America/Patriot Front: unicornriot.ninja/2018/americans…
Traditionalist Worker Party: unicornriot.ninja/2018/leaked-a-…
Identity Evropa: unicornriot.ninja/2019/neo-nazi-…
We have LOTS of unpublished material we look forward to releasing in future stories.
With your help, we can expand the scope and impact of this reporting: unicornriot.ninja/support-our-wo…