Terrible trans activist puff piece:
Utter bollox. @Transgendertrd are trying to save kids from gay conversion therapy and unethical medical experimentation.
The rage is about making sports a no-go zone for female people. Trans are welcome to compete with their own sex class or to set up separate trans categories.
More lies.
We dispute trans activist ideology. We don't dispute your existence.
All human beings deserve access to healthcare.
Opposite sex trans couples have always had right to marry. Only same-sex trans couples faced marriage discrimination - because homosexual, not trans.
So why then does the author promulgate misinformation, fear and inaccuracies? Stick to facts please. Not conjecture and unsubstantiated smears.
Define your terms!
If by "trans" you mean eg Native American 2 Spirit, such groups never claimed to actually BE the opposite sex, and were never treated as such.
And we're ALL "gender diverse" - as gender = social construct.
This statistic has been debunked so many times it's scandalous that it's still being repeated.
It is also dangerous for trans people as encourages suicidal ideation.
The solution is not unquestioning affirmation + fasttrack hormones/surgery, but professional assessment + mental health treatment.
This is a DISGRACEFUL misinterpretation which places parents in an impossible situation.
Puberty blockers actually INCREASE suicidal ideation in trans identifying kids.

Not by spreading false info eg false suicide stats that encourage suicidal ideation.
Not by pushing gay conversion and/or drugs/surgery on trans identifying people.
Not by smears/misinformation, or by victim-blaming female people.
Misinformation, supported by censorship.
Well done Guardian. No wonder people are turning to the Times for fact-based information on this issue.