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May 12th 2023

🗣️🗣️🗣️📍 #justiceforshanquella #shanquellarobinson #extradite @POTUS
via @notjustalawyer
Sue Ann Robinson, family lawyer

#JusticeForShanquellaRobinson #Cabo6 #rally #WashingtonDC


#Cabo6 "friends"
#AlysseHyatt #WenterDonovan & #DaejhanaeJackson were spotted at #ElectricTequilla in #Greensboro #NorthCarolina.

#ShanquellaRobinson supporters took justice in their own hands.

Read & watch video here⬇️…

@TheNCBeat ImageImageImage

Family of #ShanquellaRobinson who was beaten by "friends" & died while on vacation in #Mexico once again took their fight to Washington, DC
Via @Queen_City_News

#Cabo6 #JusticeForShanquellaRobinson
Read 9 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
#Extradition is emerging as the next frontier of #Taiwan’s outreach to #Europe. My new piece analyzes the status and content of six agreements on legal cooperation between Taiwan and European countries.

Check it out at @CEIAS_eu #CEETaiwanCenter:…

🧵 1/7 Image
In criminal matters cooperation and extraditions, agreements that were signed with #Poland and #Slovakia can serve as models for engaging other #EU member states. 2/7
Among the 6 existing agreements, these two are the only broad-scope legal cooperation agreements, that include even extraditions, as the most visible and politically sensitive area of cooperation. 3/7
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Apr 20th 2022
1. today 10.15 am London-time, #WestminsterMagistrateCourt: a district judge will issue a order to #extradite Julian #Assange, I will watch and report on the hearing, please follow my colleagues as well: @StefSimanowitz,@kgosztola,@richimedhurst,
2. please follow the indefatigable @rebecca_vincent of @RSF_inter as well: she has been monitoring the extradition of Julian #Assange from the very beginning
3. it must be very clear: the sadistic criminals who committed war crimes and torture exposed by Julian #Assange and by the #WikiLeaks journalists will uncork several bottles of champagne today as the judge will order the #extradition of Julian #Assange
Read 12 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
More than 100 lawyers sign letter, including John Packer (Director of the Human Rights Research & Education Centre, U of Ottawa), Pearl Eliadis (human rts lawyer, expert in nat'l institutions, human rts & democratic development).… #cdnpoli #extradition
118 lawyers sign letter urging @DavidLametti to protect #HassanDiab's rts: Barbara Jackman (lawyer specializing in immigration, refugee & nat'l security, human rts activist & recipient of Order of Canada) & Allan Rock (frmr Justice Minister (1993-97)…
Lawyers signing letter to Justice Min @DavidLametti include Don Bayne (#HassanDiab’s Cdn lawyer, Dennis Edney (defence lawyer for former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr) & Paul Champ (leading authority on human rts & employment law).… @JustinTrudeau
Read 5 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
1. Julian #Assange sentence: do NOT forget the UK authority acting on US behalf in this #Extradition to the US is the very same which has kept denying me documents on the case for the last 5YEARS and has admitted to have destroyed key documents
2. Julian #Assange sentence: the UK authority acting on US behalf in this extradition to the US is the #CrownProsecutionService: The very same which: a) told the Swedish prosecutor not to question JA in London b) opposed the closure of the Swedish case c) destroyed key documents
3. Julian #Assange sentence: Julian #Assange just arrived, he looks very tense though stoic
Read 13 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
What does the Trade and Cooperation Agreement mean for the UKs #extradition arrangements with the EU27?

Lets take a quick look

A reminder of the respective positions of the UK and the EU in their negotiations that the UK Government considered a 'UK WIN' Image
As rightly said by @StevePeers, the reality is that the Agreement appears to be closer aligned to the EUs objectives, particularly given the EU wins in relation to dual criminality, ability to determine applicability for political offences and surrender for own nationals. EU WIN?
Read 22 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
'Leaked' document says future UK/EU27 #extradition arrangements is a 'UK WIN'. Arrangements said to be based on Norway & Iceland model which was agreed in principle in 2006 but took another 13 years to come into force. May not therefore be in force for some time...... Image
However, the government could take comfort from the fact that we are currently (for another week) part of the EAW system and have been since its inception. Negotiations may therefore not be as protracted as the governments of Norway and Iceland experienced.
BUT...Art 37 of the Norway/Iceland agreement requires them to ‘keep under review’ the development of the case law of the CJEU. No mention of CJEU here. Submission to CJEUs jurisdiction considered by Gov to be a political ‘red line’ that would not form part of Brexit settlement.
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Sep 25th 2020
Extradition September hearing day Day 13 (15 with 2 lost Covid days)

Joined the video link.

I believe the only remains medical witness is Paul Mullen, Emeritus Professor at Melbourne’s Monash University. He was JA’s consulting psychiatrist in Australia & diagnosed..
... him with clinical depression in 1995.

The other witness scheduled for today is computer forensics expert, Patrick Eller.

His report reviews evidence from Chelsea Manning’s court martial.
Summers is back after being unwell yesterday. JA entering. Split screen as the next witness will be on video.
Read 85 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
1. Day 3 Julian #Assange #extradition hearing.Important note before we start:though the whole case is based on alleged harm by #WikiLeaks’ publications
1. In the last 10 YEARS US has never found a case of death/injury
2. The indictment does NOT identify docs potentially harmful
2. prof Paul Rogers, called to testify by the JA’s defence, ready to testify. He’s emeritus prof of Peace Studies at Bradford University and has published extensively on #Afghanistan and #Iraq
3. Paul Rogers: #WikiLeaks confirmed the degree of detail Afghanistan was NOT under control as the Bush Admin had told to the public
Read 41 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
We have again written to Security Minister @JBrokenshire to raise concerns about plans to replace EU security and police cooperation mechanisms with non-EU alternatives after 31 December 2020 if a deal cannot be reached 1/3
This was in response to his letter of 26 June in which he acknowledged “some mutual loss of capability”, but sought to provide assurances that the UK was prepared for a #NoDeal scenario 2/3…
Based on evidence we have heard, #NoDeal could have considerable impact on UK policing and public safety owing to a loss of access to EU databases and having to fall back on the 1957 EU Convention on #Extradition Find our letter here:… 3/3
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Apr 2nd 2020

There's been a meme around for a long time that goes like this:

"First they came for the journalists. We don't know what happened after that."
Of course, it was obvious to all those who looked with open eyes that #JulianAssange was the canary in the #FreePress coal mine.

Or was, perhaps, Alexander Pope's butterfly - broken on a (Catherine) wheel. [From Pope's "Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot"]
Some journalists argued that Julian #Assange was "not a journalist" - maybe that made them feel safer.

Most just looked away - maybe after a carefully crafted sentence at a state-sponsored, glittery #FreePress event (where news platforms like #RT were shut out in the cold).
Read 10 tweets
Feb 22nd 2020
1. If you report about Julian #Assange #ExtraditionHearing next week,don’t forget what my lawyers @estelledehon @suigenerisjen and I unearthed about @cpsuk in a #FOIA litigation still ongoing after 5years! @cpsuk is the very same UK agency in charge of the #extradition process
2. My Foia litigation provide EVIDENCE that it was the @cpsuk which has contributed to create the legal and diplomatic quagmire which has kept Julian #Assange arbitrarily detained and now in prison, maybe for life (if extradited to US)
3. My Foia litigation provides EVIDENCE that the @cpsuk not only advised Sweden to extradite Julian #Assange but looked at the extradition as NOT being dealt with as another extradition request
Read 6 tweets
Oct 23rd 2019
This is outrageous ‼ The #UK is #blocking a Spanish Judge from getting testimony from #Assange - re: the US SPYING on him while at Embassy- to #protect the #US #extradition case from being #thrown out of Court

1/ "The British justice system is blocking a Spanish judge’s request to question Julian Assange in London as a witness in a case exploring allegations that the Spanish security firm Undercover Global S.L. spied on the WikiLeaks founder while he was living in d Ecuadorian embassy"
2/ "The British position, unprecedented in these types of requests for judicial collaboration, is being viewed by Spanish judicial bodies as a show of resistance against the consequences that the case could have on the process to extradite the Australian cyberactivist to the US."
Read 13 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
Good morning! I’m heading to BC Supreme Court to cover latest hearing in #Huawei Meng Wanzhou extradition case for @starvancouver. We expect lawyers to argue she was unlawfully detained at #yvr airport last December at the direction of US authorities.…
And just for fun it is pouring rain! Photographers outside, wearing black, have been here for an hour already. #Huawei @starvancouver @TorontoStar
Lots in suit jackets outside this courtroom. About 3 dozen+ in line, plus 9 very official-looking (legal team?) huddled in a circle at the back of the line. #Huawei
Read 43 tweets
Jul 18th 2019
1 to 20. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
21. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange 🤨👇🏼…
Read 113 tweets
Apr 26th 2019
Equador: Swedish national #OlaBini arrested for connections to #wikileaks.

Johannes Wahlström:

#JulianAssange's "human rights are violated on a daily basis"

"#JulianAssange is imprisoned for #journalism."

#MikePompeo on lying:

"When I was a cadet, what was the cadet motto at West Point? 'You will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do'? I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like - we had entire training courses!"
Read 311 tweets

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