(My first tweet was initially sent in London. It didn't make it up until Calais!)
That this is even possible still amazes me.

I've already gone a long way just this evening, but I've got a lot lot further to go!

It's #summerofrailroads!
See you Stateside.

So Dulles has these unique mobile lounges as part of its design, which originally went to the planes to minimise walking/terminal size (I believe) but now mainly act as buses.
They're mainly now used to carry international arrivals to the central customs and immigration area, as the airport has become more of a traditional airport over time.
I'll be back at Dulles twice more before this trip is over.
Shuttle bus to Reston for me! #summerofshuttlebuses

It's really really really humid.
What a view!

End of #daytwo of #summerofrailroads

On the bright side, the captain turned off the fasten seatbelt sign and said we could use data, so enjoy this video of a landing.
And our 38 minute flight is scheduled for 1h20 so doubt we'll even be late.

The setting sun makes everything look beautiful (and indistinguishable on camera!).
I believe the tower on the waterfront is the capitol building, a relatively rare case of a state capitol sans dome.
We had been delayed up to an hour overnight, but we recovered to be half an hour late, and this connecting bus left on time.
Oh and it's now #dayfour of #summerofrailroads

See you on the other side.

This is my 2nd time on the Cardinal. In 2012, I rode from Charlottesville to Chicago. A huge storm's damage stranded us in Prince, WV, so we made it to Chicago by bus 24 hours late.
So fingers crossed!

The journey was without incident, with only a small amount of arrival delay, a step up on my last Cardinal trip
(Next Cardinal is Thursday!)
Turns out they test their air raid siren-like emergency alert at noon on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
I originally learnt about it in this video by Tom Scott:
Sadly, I mostly saw all stations while there.
(Pictures coming!)
- Beech
- Towers
- Health
- Walnut
- Engineering
In the correct order, they run:
- Health
- Towers
- Engineering
- Beech
- Walnut
The stations lack platform edge doors but did have a mix of railings and glass doors. Red flashing lights show when traction current is in use.
Many information screens seemed to be blank.
The system is open to all, and is the best way to/from the bus stops at Health.
Up to 15 can travel in each car, with eight seated.
This is Beech to Walnut.
Time to move on: Mountain Line Transit bus to Pittsburgh.
It's #daynine of #summerofrailroads

Night all!
As usual for Amtrak, this journey starts from the eyesore hidden behind the grand former Pittsburgh terminal of the Pennsylvania Railroad, now a hotel.

I literally brought a small sample back on a previous trip so we could sample the amazing smell at home. (Not even sure what it smelt of!)

(And, of course, the big one is coming up soon!)

So long/sharp that most freight trains see themselves as they go around the curve.
It's so critical it was guarded during WWII. Today it's a National Historic Landmark.
It's the first steam railway I've been on in the US, possibly even outside the UK.
And it is bloody brilliant!
The line ends right next to the Amtrak mainline between Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Philadelphia.
Sadly, no passing mainline trains while we were there.
Definitely worth a visit; just wish there was an easier/cheaper way to get to it by public transport from Lancaster than Uber/Lyft.

Far too much to show here, so I'll just give you a taste.

(@garius , is this where you get your pseudonym from?)


Here endeth the photo deluge.

It's all repeats from here.
Right, think that'll do for #dayten of #summerofrailroads. Night!

#summerofrailroads #dayeleven

I enjoyed watching planes approach Washington National, following the Potomac on one of the most scenic approaches in the world.

See you on #daythirteen, the last day of #summerofrailroads

The last two photos are Folkestone and Calais Channel Tunnel terminals. I'll be back there today, eventually!

Now, I'm planespotting from a train.

It's the Main, as in Frankfurt am Main.
As you were.
Unlike United Express, they still want us to turn off our devices even though we're not going anywhere yet. Fab
Notice the Eurostar from London to Amsterdam pull in on platform 5.
Final leg of #summerofrailroads - back to London St Pancras. Fun, bizarre trip!

So: what works for you? What doesn't? Is there anything you'd like to hear more or less about? Does four photo format work?
Can't promise I'll do this again but would appreciate feedback, even for just more workaday trip reports!
Thanks for following along on my trip and keeping me company, whether you dropped in and out or read it all.