(a short thread)
personal, unique risk
collective, average risk
For example, personal financial risk is what incurs to you because of your peculiar investments. Maybe you picked certain stocks or invested in a "hot" property
Many people don't invest in equities because it's too risky.
Yes, it's risky but in a collective and average way, not a personal and unique way
So on realization of such risks, you can take comfort in the fact that there are millions of other concerned folks who will protect the negative impacts of risk for you
If odds of divorce is Y, you shouldn't do uniquely foolish things to increase it.
You simply cannot deviate much from the collective risks. What you can do is trust that the system address such risks and work hard to ensure that you're not taking personal risks.
- Index funds (collective equities) are no longer risky entire economy tanking is a collective risk
- Going with newly fad diets may actually be risky while relying on collective wisdom of what to eat may be less risky
Do you notice any other collective risks that are thought to be personal risks? Let me know.
Making this difference in your head may help you lead a more confident and peaceful life.
- Taking the collective risk means, by decision, average payoffs (in investments, health, relationships)
- People take personal risks generally for higher than average payoffs
Arranged marriages may be less risky in terms of divorce because everyone involved in making the match will try derisking it but lay-off in terms of love may be less
To expect better than average results, you have to take personal risk.
One is not morally superior than the other.
A govt employee may be investing all savings in few, specific stocks
An entrepreneur may be simply leaving money in FDs
For me, I take personal risks in:
- Reputation (I say what’s on my mind)
- Jobs (I’ve switched roles within @wingify many times)
- Investments (I am 90% equities)
- Health and food (I avoid fancy diets)
- Travel (try to stick to a few places)
- Political (I don’t snub my nose into things I can’t significantly influence)
What about you? What risks do you take and which ones do you avoid?