Like it's supposed to just happen out of thin air.
That is political reality. If he fails as she failed, he will have to resign as she resigned.
No matter how embarrassing it is to lose another prime minister so soon, he cannot survive if Brexit fails.
Some of you, for fuck sake, seem to imagine somehow setting government to one side while you stop Brexit, and then putting it back again once Brexit is over.
And there's a problem with that, isn't there?
It's because neither Labour nor Conservative party wants to stop Brexit. And this is where your brain collides with itself.
You want to stop brexit, but you don't want an election because no one wants to stop Brexit.
You want them to abandon everything they presented in their last manifesto, and everything they have done since. Abandon it all just like that.
Let's stop Brexit, but let's not put it to a vote or anything.
Corbyn lost a general election. He should have resigned when that happened, but her didn't. If he had, Brexit would be over
You want to stop Brexit as well, but you want to stop it by magic.