YTD Tesla has delivered 158,375 vehicles. To hit the low end of its annual guidance Tesla needs to deliver 201,625 vehicles in H2
Starting with the S/X. Tesla delivered 12,091 S/X in Q1 and 17,722 in Q2. In Q2 Tesla ran large discounts to sell inventory vehicles with deliveries outpacing production by 3,205.
Without this inventory liquidation, Q3 is likely to be below Q2 levels
Tesla cars sold but not registered in Q2 will be a headwind to Q3 reported deliveries.
Channel stuffed
A reasonable estimate for Q3 Model 3 deliveries in Canada is 5,000…
Here is a list of the required U.S. Model 3 deliveries to hit various total delivery #s

U.S. Website traffic to has been down materially in Q3 2019 vs. Q2 2019 levels and has been more consistent with Q1 2019 levels.

Based on the weaker web traffic and search interest, Q3 QTD sales are likely around 21k. IEV July 2019 Model 3 sales estimate of 13,450