The compound i'm currently in, is made up of extremely medically unwell detainees, elderly, depressed, disabled, suicidal etc.
In any other work place this person would have lost his job, but @AusBorderForce protected this guard:
Cover them up, matters of public interest I brought to the public's attention:…
So on the 02/09/19 #Serco's Mr.Bruce came up to my face, & brazenly yelled as loud as he could "GO BACK HOME" amongst other serious threats to me.
So I wrote detailed formal complaint against this #Serco Employee, along with the witness signatures of 10 other detainees
As this Racist officer Bruce has been protected by the GM Don Tayler & @AusBorderForce
Which I use to buy Phone Cards, Cigarettes, food etc
Should be noted @AusBorderForce & Serco has done worse to me in past
Serco continues to subject me to Persecution,Adverse Actions & Threats.
But they won't be able to shut me up or Shut me down
No action was taken against Adam S in the pics below he is giving me the Middle Finger