As you may know I write this from Detention, & i have taken a serious risk to my own safety by publishing this.
I write all these facts under oath,& will be happy to give evidence to any Court or Senate Committee.
All I ask of u is call your local MP & @ShayneNeumannMP & DEMAND that they Question Dutton about this 'William' Case
& I Would welcome any Defamation suits,if #Dutton thinks there are any inaccuracies in what i wrote.
He can't hide behind FOI's like he did in the #AuPair.
Do we hv any brave MPs or a Watchdog to investigate Dutton?
#Dutton needs to stand down, while an Independent Investigation is conducted.
#auspol… via @theage
His name was:Brad (ID#79153658)
That's the cost I'm paying for being a whistle blower on the corruption of @PeterDutton_MP
What Dutton tried to do today,trying to permanently separate me from my partner,has only motivated me to make more facts & information public.
I won't shut up & I won't shut down, may the Truth Prevail

Senate Estimates
Only Senator @NickMcKim has the Courage & Bravery to ask these Questions & Demand answers which every Australian wants to know.
Senate Estimates
Michael Pezzullo confirmed they are investigating.
(Deporting a witness & the Whistle Blower on the day it makes national news is probably not how an investigation should be started in a democratic country)
As the saying goes:
“If the facts are against you, hammer the law. If the law is against you, hammer the facts. If the fact and the law are against you,hammer the table.”
#Dutton only cares about himself & his wealth.
If #Dutton is allowed to investigate his own corruption in the #Betham case,then every ordinary Aussie should have the same right instead of going to court
The writing is on the wall,& I'm not afraid to speak the truth that YOU ARE CORRUPT,your department investigating it ownself only further proves that.
I note they haven't released the Stats of the victims of Drug Lord #Betham
The body rots from the head,by head i mean YOU @PeterDutton_MP!…
@PeterDutton_MP instructed his lawyers to concede as he didn't wanted the matter being made public,as one of my grounds of appeal was #Bias by the Tribunal.
#AAT started questioning my Witnesses about their party political afflictions

Much like how @PeterDutton_MP is "investigating himself" after releasing a dangerus convicted drug trafficker #Betham for a $80k Bribe…
Yet @PeterDutton_MP sold Aussies out for a mere $80k bribe by releasing Drug Lord #Betham, & undermining the efforts of Police.…
This information has still not been offered up by either the Minister or Betham’s lawyers
Is #Dutton working over time on the Shredder,just like @SenatorCash

You have falsely claimed that I'm subject of an 'IVO'. You have misled the Australian Public.

I encourage you to show Remorse & Apologize.

#auspol… @IndependentAus ~ @rpzjones
It is regretful that when I always choose Conciliation,Dutton's department chooses Retaliation.
He could have showed Remorse & Apologized,but instead it seems after breaking the Law, Dutton further wishes to waste Tax Payer $'s.
I for one won't be bowing down to this Tyrant as long as I'm alive.
Hey Peter @PeterDutton_MP expect to hear from @OAICgov, Happy Friday.

Murdoch Media used to call for the heads of the AAT tribunal members, when AAT was still Independent.
These s501 laws are an excuse to 'Cleanse Australia' of #Dutton's undesirables,Unless u hv an $80k Bribe like Drug Lord #Betham
Now #ScoMo has attacked Waleed Aly for speaking the Truth.
U know ur on the right path when u get attacked by these Corrupt Terrorist Sympathizers
Since blowing the whistle to date, I haven't been contacted by any agency to record any witness statement or to provide further information.
Turns out his OWN Dept believes there is enough evidence for it to be referred to ACLEI for Investigation confirmed in #Estimates
Date: 22/03/19
Source: Hansard (Extract Part: 1)
@NickMcKim Question Mr. Pezzullo & Ms. Noble

Date: 22/03/19
Source: Hansard (Extract Part: 2)
@NickMcKim Question Mr. Pezzullo & Ms. Noble

You made some comments about me in the #Estimates.
Allow me to educate you on some of the Laws, Your Minister #Dutton broke Australian Laws & is under active Investigation by @OAICgov:

This is the Cover up Culture of Department of Home Affairs.
cc: @hrw…
Its to instigate a Systemic Change to this regime of #OnShoreDeathCamps & Sacrifice & Strength is Required…
I have done my bit, Now it's over to the good officers of #ACLEI to investigate without fear or favour
Now #Dutton would agree:
1)I'm a man of my Word, & I keep my Promises.
2)No matter how much pain u cause me,ur threats don't matter,I'm not afraid of ur Tyranny @PeterDutton_MP,& I'm not afraid to keep speaking the Truth.