Platonic intimacy is wonderful and necessary. Also, you don't get extra points for denying yourself pleasure to adhere to impossible purity standards.
- there's already a solid foundation
- there's already boundaries
-if you've built platonic intimacy, you know even more things that will aid in a healthy, emotionally safe sexual experience.
And my Lorde,
If y'all are friends offline, how yall been friends for 3 years but you don't know what their arm feels like? That's not wild to you?
Platonic intimacy.
- sex isnt inherently bad
- we're not all boys and girls
- we're not all Christians or crystal incense mystics
- LGBTQ ppl exist
You don't have to agree, but if you're having a wild reaction to my above tweets, this might be why.
"This never works for me" is not the same as "this is impossible and bad".